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Don Quixote - Part I

Page 98

"Say Sarra," said Don Quixote, unable to endure the goatherd's confusion

of words.

"The sarna lives long enough," answered Pedro; "and if, senor, you must

go finding fault with words at every step, we shall not make an end of it

this twelvemonth."

"Pardon me, friend," said Don Quixote; "but, as there is such a

difference between sarna and Sarra, I told you of it; however, you have

answered very rightly, for sarna lives longer than Sarra: so continue

your story, and I will not object any more to anything."

"I say then, my dear sir," said the goatherd, "that in our village there

was a farmer even richer than the father of Chrysostom, who was named

Guillermo, and upon whom God bestowed, over and above great wealth, a

daughter at whose birth her mother died, the most respected woman there

was in this neighbourhood; I fancy I can see her now with that

countenance which had the sun on one side and the moon on the other; and

moreover active, and kind to the poor, for which I trust that at the

present moment her soul is in bliss with God in the other world. Her

husband Guillermo died of grief at the death of so good a wife, leaving

his daughter Marcela, a child and rich, to the care of an uncle of hers,

a priest and prebendary in our village. The girl grew up with such beauty

that it reminded us of her mother's, which was very great, and yet it was

thought that the daughter's would exceed it; and so when she reached the

age of fourteen to fifteen years nobody beheld her but blessed God that

had made her so beautiful, and the greater number were in love with her

past redemption. Her uncle kept her in great seclusion and retirement,

but for all that the fame of her great beauty spread so that, as well for

it as for her great wealth, her uncle was asked, solicited, and

importuned, to give her in marriage not only by those of our town but of

those many leagues round, and by the persons of highest quality in them.

But he, being a good Christian man, though he desired to give her in

marriage at once, seeing her to be old enough, was unwilling to do so

without her consent, not that he had any eye to the gain and profit which

the custody of the girl's property brought him while he put off her

marriage; and, faith, this was said in praise of the good priest in more

than one set in the town. For I would have you know, Sir Errant, that in

these little villages everything is talked about and everything is carped

at, and rest assured, as I am, that the priest must be over and above

good who forces his parishioners to speak well of him, especially in


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