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Don Quixote - Part I

Page 91


He was cordially welcomed by the goatherds, and Sancho, having as best he

could put up Rocinante and the ass, drew towards the fragrance that came

from some pieces of salted goat simmering in a pot on the fire; and

though he would have liked at once to try if they were ready to be

transferred from the pot to the stomach, he refrained from doing so as

the goatherds removed them from the fire, and laying sheepskins on the

ground, quickly spread their rude table, and with signs of hearty

good-will invited them both to share what they had. Round the skins six

of the men belonging to the fold seated themselves, having first with

rough politeness pressed Don Quixote to take a seat upon a trough which

they placed for him upside down. Don Quixote seated himself, and Sancho

remained standing to serve the cup, which was made of horn. Seeing him

standing, his master said to him:

"That thou mayest see, Sancho, the good that knight-errantry contains in

itself, and how those who fill any office in it are on the high road to

be speedily honoured and esteemed by the world, I desire that thou seat

thyself here at my side and in the company of these worthy people, and

that thou be one with me who am thy master and natural lord, and that

thou eat from my plate and drink from whatever I drink from; for the same

may be said of knight-errantry as of love, that it levels all."

"Great thanks," said Sancho, "but I may tell your worship that provided I

have enough to eat, I can eat it as well, or better, standing, and by

myself, than seated alongside of an emperor. And indeed, if the truth is

to be told, what I eat in my corner without form or fuss has much more

relish for me, even though it be bread and onions, than the turkeys of

those other tables where I am forced to chew slowly, drink little, wipe

my mouth every minute, and cannot sneeze or cough if I want or do other

things that are the privileges of liberty and solitude. So, senor, as for

these honours which your worship would put upon me as a servant and

follower of knight-errantry, exchange them for other things which may be

of more use and advantage to me; for these, though I fully acknowledge

them as received, I renounce from this moment to the end of the world."

"For all that," said Don Quixote, "thou must seat thyself, because him

who humbleth himself God exalteth;" and seizing him by the arm he forced

him to sit down beside himself.

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