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Don Quixote - Part I

Page 77

"Most certainly, senor," replied Sancho, "your worship shall be fully

obeyed in this matter; all the more as of myself I am peaceful and no

friend to mixing in strife and quarrels: it is true that as regards the

defence of my own person I shall not give much heed to those laws, for

laws human and divine allow each one to defend himself against any

assailant whatever."

"That I grant," said Don Quixote, "but in this matter of aiding me

against knights thou must put a restraint upon thy natural impetuosity."

"I will do so, I promise you," answered Sancho, "and will keep this

precept as carefully as Sunday."

While they were thus talking there appeared on the road two friars of the

order of St. Benedict, mounted on two dromedaries, for not less tall were

the two mules they rode on. They wore travelling spectacles and carried

sunshades; and behind them came a coach attended by four or five persons

on horseback and two muleteers on foot. In the coach there was, as

afterwards appeared, a Biscay lady on her way to Seville, where her

husband was about to take passage for the Indies with an appointment of

high honour. The friars, though going the same road, were not in her

company; but the moment Don Quixote perceived them he said to his squire,

"Either I am mistaken, or this is going to be the most famous adventure

that has ever been seen, for those black bodies we see there must be, and

doubtless are, magicians who are carrying off some stolen princess in

that coach, and with all my might I must undo this wrong."

"This will be worse than the windmills," said Sancho. "Look, senor; those

are friars of St. Benedict, and the coach plainly belongs to some

travellers: I tell you to mind well what you are about and don't let the

devil mislead you."

"I have told thee already, Sancho," replied Don Quixote, "that on the

subject of adventures thou knowest little. What I say is the truth, as

thou shalt see presently."

So saying, he advanced and posted himself in the middle of the road along

which the friars were coming, and as soon as he thought they had come

near enough to hear what he said, he cried aloud, "Devilish and unnatural

beings, release instantly the highborn princesses whom you are carrying

off by force in this coach, else prepare to meet a speedy death as the

just punishment of your evil deeds."

The friars drew rein and stood wondering at the appearance of Don Quixote

as well as at his words, to which they replied, "Senor Caballero, we are

not devilish or unnatural, but two brothers of St. Benedict following our

road, nor do we know whether or not there are any captive princesses

coming in this coach."

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