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Don Quixote - Part I

Page 325

As she approached her father told her in his own language that I was a

captive belonging to his friend the Arnaut Mami, and that I had come for


She took up the conversation, and in that mixture of tongues I have

spoken of she asked me if I was a gentleman, and why I was not ransomed.

I answered that I was already ransomed, and that by the price it might be

seen what value my master set on me, as I had given one thousand five

hundred zoltanis for me; to which she replied, "Hadst thou been my

father's, I can tell thee, I would not have let him part with thee for

twice as much, for you Christians always tell lies about yourselves and

make yourselves out poor to cheat the Moors."

"That may be, lady," said I; "but indeed I dealt truthfully with my

master, as I do and mean to do with everybody in the world."

"And when dost thou go?" said Zoraida.

"To-morrow, I think," said I, "for there is a vessel here from France

which sails to-morrow, and I think I shall go in her."

"Would it not be better," said Zoraida, "to wait for the arrival of ships

from Spain and go with them and not with the French who are not your


"No," said I; "though if there were intelligence that a vessel were now

coming from Spain it is true I might, perhaps, wait for it; however, it

is more likely I shall depart to-morrow, for the longing I feel to return

to my country and to those I love is so great that it will not allow me

to wait for another opportunity, however more convenient, if it be


"No doubt thou art married in thine own country," said Zoraida, "and for

that reason thou art anxious to go and see thy wife."

"I am not married," I replied, "but I have given my promise to marry on

my arrival there."

"And is the lady beautiful to whom thou hast given it?" said Zoraida.

"So beautiful," said I, "that, to describe her worthily and tell thee the

truth, she is very like thee."

At this her father laughed very heartily and said, "By Allah, Christian,

she must be very beautiful if she is like my daughter, who is the most

beautiful woman in all this kingdom: only look at her well and thou wilt

see I am telling the truth."

Zoraida's father as the better linguist helped to interpret most of these

words and phrases, for though she spoke the bastard language, that, as I

have said, is employed there, she expressed her meaning more by signs

than by words.

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