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Don Quixote - Part I

Page 296

All this and more the injured Dorothea delivered with such earnest

feeling and such tears that all present, even those who came with Don

Fernando, were constrained to join her in them. Don Fernando listened to

her without replying, until, ceasing to speak, she gave way to such sobs

and sighs that it must have been a heart of brass that was not softened

by the sight of so great sorrow. Luscinda stood regarding her with no

less compassion for her sufferings than admiration for her intelligence

and beauty, and would have gone to her to say some words of comfort to

her, but was prevented by Don Fernando's grasp which held her fast. He,

overwhelmed with confusion and astonishment, after regarding Dorothea for

some moments with a fixed gaze, opened his arms, and, releasing Luscinda,


"Thou hast conquered, fair Dorothea, thou hast conquered, for it is

impossible to have the heart to deny the united force of so many truths."

Luscinda in her feebleness was on the point of falling to the ground when

Don Fernando released her, but Cardenio, who stood near, having retreated

behind Don Fernando to escape recognition, casting fear aside and

regardless of what might happen, ran forward to support her, and said as

he clasped her in his arms, "If Heaven in its compassion is willing to

let thee rest at last, mistress of my heart, true, constant, and fair,

nowhere canst thou rest more safely than in these arms that now receive

thee, and received thee before when fortune permitted me to call thee


At these words Luscinda looked up at Cardenio, at first beginning to

recognise him by his voice and then satisfying herself by her eyes that

it was he, and hardly knowing what she did, and heedless of all

considerations of decorum, she flung her arms around his neck and

pressing her face close to his, said, "Yes, my dear lord, you are the

true master of this your slave, even though adverse fate interpose again,

and fresh dangers threaten this life that hangs on yours."

A strange sight was this for Don Fernando and those that stood around,

filled with surprise at an incident so unlooked for. Dorothea fancied

that Don Fernando changed colour and looked as though he meant to take

vengeance on Cardenio, for she observed him put his hand to his sword;

and the instant the idea struck her, with wonderful quickness she clasped

him round the knees, and kissing them and holding him so as to prevent

his moving, she said, while her tears continued to flow, "What is it thou

wouldst do, my only refuge, in this unforeseen event? Thou hast thy wife

at thy feet, and she whom thou wouldst have for thy wife is in the arms

of her husband: reflect whether it will be right for thee, whether it

will be possible for thee to undo what Heaven has done, or whether it

will be becoming in thee to seek to raise her to be thy mate who in spite

of every obstacle, and strong in her truth and constancy, is before thine

eyes, bathing with the tears of love the face and bosom of her lawful

husband. For God's sake I entreat of thee, for thine own I implore thee,

let not this open manifestation rouse thy anger; but rather so calm it as

to allow these two lovers to live in peace and quiet without any

interference from thee so long as Heaven permits them; and in so doing

thou wilt prove the generosity of thy lofty noble spirit, and the world

shall see that with thee reason has more influence than passion."

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