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Don Quixote - Part I

Page 270

Anselmo took his departure, and Camilla and Lothario were left alone at

the table, for the rest of the household had gone to dinner. Lothario saw

himself in the lists according to his friend's wish, and facing an enemy

that could by her beauty alone vanquish a squadron of armed knights;

judge whether he had good reason to fear; but what he did was to lean his

elbow on the arm of the chair, and his cheek upon his hand, and, asking

Camilla's pardon for his ill manners, he said he wished to take a little

sleep until Anselmo returned. Camilla in reply said he could repose more

at his ease in the reception-room than in his chair, and begged of him to

go in and sleep there; but Lothario declined, and there he remained

asleep until the return of Anselmo, who finding Camilla in her own room,

and Lothario asleep, imagined that he had stayed away so long as to have

afforded them time enough for conversation and even for sleep, and was

all impatience until Lothario should wake up, that he might go out with

him and question him as to his success. Everything fell out as he wished;

Lothario awoke, and the two at once left the house, and Anselmo asked

what he was anxious to know, and Lothario in answer told him that he had

not thought it advisable to declare himself entirely the first time, and

therefore had only extolled the charms of Camilla, telling her that all

the city spoke of nothing else but her beauty and wit, for this seemed to

him an excellent way of beginning to gain her good-will and render her

disposed to listen to him with pleasure the next time, thus availing

himself of the device the devil has recourse to when he would deceive one

who is on the watch; for he being the angel of darkness transforms

himself into an angel of light, and, under cover of a fair seeming,

discloses himself at length, and effects his purpose if at the beginning

his wiles are not discovered. All this gave great satisfaction to

Anselmo, and he said he would afford the same opportunity every day, but

without leaving the house, for he would find things to do at home so that

Camilla should not detect the plot.

Thus, then, several days went by, and Lothario, without uttering a word

to Camilla, reported to Anselmo that he had talked with her and that he

had never been able to draw from her the slightest indication of consent

to anything dishonourable, nor even a sign or shadow of hope; on the

contrary, he said she would inform her husband of it.

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