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Don Quixote - Part I

Page 258

"Tell that to my father," said the landlord. "There's a thing to be

astonished at! Stopping a mill-wheel! By God your worship should read

what I have read of Felixmarte of Hircania, how with one single

backstroke he cleft five giants asunder through the middle as if they had

been made of bean-pods like the little friars the children make; and

another time he attacked a very great and powerful army, in which there

were more than a million six hundred thousand soldiers, all armed from

head to foot, and he routed them all as if they had been flocks of sheep.

"And then, what do you say to the good Cirongilio of Thrace, that was so

stout and bold; as may be seen in the book, where it is related that as

he was sailing along a river there came up out of the midst of the water

against him a fiery serpent, and he, as soon as he saw it, flung himself

upon it and got astride of its scaly shoulders, and squeezed its throat

with both hands with such force that the serpent, finding he was

throttling it, had nothing for it but to let itself sink to the bottom of

the river, carrying with it the knight who would not let go his hold; and

when they got down there he found himself among palaces and gardens so

pretty that it was a wonder to see; and then the serpent changed itself

into an old ancient man, who told him such things as were never heard.

Hold your peace, senor; for if you were to hear this you would go mad

with delight. A couple of figs for your Great Captain and your Diego


Hearing this Dorothea said in a whisper to Cardenio, "Our landlord is

almost fit to play a second part to Don Quixote."

"I think so," said Cardenio, "for, as he shows, he accepts it as a

certainty that everything those books relate took place exactly as it is

written down; and the barefooted friars themselves would not persuade him

to the contrary."

"But consider, brother," said the curate once more, "there never was any

Felixmarte of Hircania in the world, nor any Cirongilio of Thrace, or any

of the other knights of the same sort, that the books of chivalry talk

of; the whole thing is the fabrication and invention of idle wits,

devised by them for the purpose you describe of beguiling the time, as

your reapers do when they read; for I swear to you in all seriousness

there never were any such knights in the world, and no such exploits or

nonsense ever happened anywhere."

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