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Don Quixote - Part I

Page 206

To which Sancho made answer, "If fortune, sirs, should bring things about

in such a way that my master should have a mind, instead of being an

emperor, to be an archbishop, I should like to know what

archbishops-errant commonly give their squires?"

"They commonly give them," said the curate, some simple benefice or cure,

or some place as sacristan which brings them a good fixed income, not

counting the altar fees, which may be reckoned at as much more."

"But for that," said Sancho, "the squire must be unmarried, and must

know, at any rate, how to help at mass, and if that be so, woe is me, for

I am married already and I don't know the first letter of the A B C. What

will become of me if my master takes a fancy to be an archbishop and not

an emperor, as is usual and customary with knights-errant?"

"Be not uneasy, friend Sancho," said the barber, "for we will entreat

your master, and advise him, even urging it upon him as a case of

conscience, to become an emperor and not an archbishop, because it will

be easier for him as he is more valiant than lettered."

"So I have thought," said Sancho; "though I can tell you he is fit for

anything: what I mean to do for my part is to pray to our Lord to place

him where it may be best for him, and where he may be able to bestow most

favours upon me."

"You speak like a man of sense," said the curate, "and you will be acting

like a good Christian; but what must now be done is to take steps to coax

your master out of that useless penance you say he is performing; and we

had best turn into this inn to consider what plan to adopt, and also to

dine, for it is now time."

Sancho said they might go in, but that he would wait there outside, and

that he would tell them afterwards the reason why he was unwilling, and

why it did not suit him to enter it; but he begged them to bring him out

something to eat, and to let it be hot, and also to bring barley for

Rocinante. They left him and went in, and presently the barber brought

him out something to eat. By-and-by, after they had between them

carefully thought over what they should do to carry out their object, the

curate hit upon an idea very well adapted to humour Don Quixote, and

effect their purpose; and his notion, which he explained to the barber,

was that he himself should assume the disguise of a wandering damsel,

while the other should try as best he could to pass for a squire, and

that they should thus proceed to where Don Quixote was, and he,

pretending to be an aggrieved and distressed damsel, should ask a favour

of him, which as a valiant knight-errant he could not refuse to grant;

and the favour he meant to ask him was that he should accompany her

whither she would conduct him, in order to redress a wrong which a wicked

knight had done her, while at the same time she should entreat him not to

require her to remove her mask, nor ask her any question touching her

circumstances until he had righted her with the wicked knight. And he had

no doubt that Don Quixote would comply with any request made in these

terms, and that in this way they might remove him and take him to his own

village, where they would endeavour to find out if his extraordinary

madness admitted of any kind of remedy.

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