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Don Quixote - Part I

Page 180

He was bareheaded, and notwithstanding the swiftness with which he passed

as has been described, the Knight of the Rueful Countenance observed and

noted all these trifles, and though he made the attempt, he was unable to

follow him, for it was not granted to the feebleness of Rocinante to make

way over such rough ground, he being, moreover, slow-paced and sluggish

by nature. Don Quixote at once came to the conclusion that this was the

owner of the saddle-pad and of the valise, and made up his mind to go in

search of him, even though he should have to wander a year in those

mountains before he found him, and so he directed Sancho to take a short

cut over one side of the mountain, while he himself went by the other,

and perhaps by this means they might light upon this man who had passed

so quickly out of their sight.

"I could not do that," said Sancho, "for when I separate from your

worship fear at once lays hold of me, and assails me with all sorts of

panics and fancies; and let what I now say be a notice that from this

time forth I am not going to stir a finger's width from your presence."

"It shall be so," said he of the Rueful Countenance, "and I am very glad

that thou art willing to rely on my courage, which will never fail thee,

even though the soul in thy body fail thee; so come on now behind me

slowly as well as thou canst, and make lanterns of thine eyes; let us

make the circuit of this ridge; perhaps we shall light upon this man that

we saw, who no doubt is no other than the owner of what we found."

To which Sancho made answer, "Far better would it be not to look for him,

for, if we find him, and he happens to be the owner of the money, it is

plain I must restore it; it would be better, therefore, that without

taking this needless trouble, I should keep possession of it until in

some other less meddlesome and officious way the real owner may be

discovered; and perhaps that will be when I shall have spent it, and then

the king will hold me harmless."

"Thou art wrong there, Sancho," said Don Quixote, "for now that we have a

suspicion who the owner is, and have him almost before us, we are bound

to seek him and make restitution; and if we do not see him, the strong

suspicion we have as to his being the owner makes us as guilty as if he

were so; and so, friend Sancho, let not our search for him give thee any

uneasiness, for if we find him it will relieve mine."

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