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Don Quixote - Part I

Page 163

"The king will then command all those present to essay it, and none will

bring it to an end and conclusion save the stranger knight, to the great

enhancement of his fame, whereat the princess will be overjoyed and will

esteem herself happy and fortunate in having fixed and placed her

thoughts so high. And the best of it is that this king, or prince, or

whatever he is, is engaged in a very bitter war with another as powerful

as himself, and the stranger knight, after having been some days at his

court, requests leave from him to go and serve him in the said war. The

king will grant it very readily, and the knight will courteously kiss his

hands for the favour done to him; and that night he will take leave of

his lady the princess at the grating of the chamber where she sleeps,

which looks upon a garden, and at which he has already many times

conversed with her, the go-between and confidante in the matter being a

damsel much trusted by the princess. He will sigh, she will swoon, the

damsel will fetch water, much distressed because morning approaches, and

for the honour of her lady he would not that they were discovered; at

last the princess will come to herself and will present her white hands

through the grating to the knight, who will kiss them a thousand and a

thousand times, bathing them with his tears. It will be arranged between

them how they are to inform each other of their good or evil fortunes,

and the princess will entreat him to make his absence as short as

possible, which he will promise to do with many oaths; once more he

kisses her hands, and takes his leave in such grief that he is well-nigh

ready to die. He betakes him thence to his chamber, flings himself on his

bed, cannot sleep for sorrow at parting, rises early in the morning, goes

to take leave of the king, queen, and princess, and, as he takes his

leave of the pair, it is told him that the princess is indisposed and

cannot receive a visit; the knight thinks it is from grief at his

departure, his heart is pierced, and he is hardly able to keep from

showing his pain. The confidante is present, observes all, goes to tell

her mistress, who listens with tears and says that one of her greatest

distresses is not knowing who this knight is, and whether he is of kingly

lineage or not; the damsel assures her that so much courtesy, gentleness,

and gallantry of bearing as her knight possesses could not exist in any

save one who was royal and illustrious; her anxiety is thus relieved, and

she strives to be of good cheer lest she should excite suspicion in her

parents, and at the end of two days she appears in public. Meanwhile the

knight has taken his departure; he fights in the war, conquers the king's

enemy, wins many cities, triumphs in many battles, returns to the court,

sees his lady where he was wont to see her, and it is agreed that he

shall demand her in marriage of her parents as the reward of his

services; the king is unwilling to give her, as he knows not who he is,

but nevertheless, whether carried off or in whatever other way it may be,

the princess comes to be his bride, and her father comes to regard it as

very good fortune; for it so happens that this knight is proved to be the

son of a valiant king of some kingdom, I know not what, for I fancy it is

not likely to be on the map. The father dies, the princess inherits, and

in two words the knight becomes king. And here comes in at once the

bestowal of rewards upon his squire and all who have aided him in rising

to so exalted a rank. He marries his squire to a damsel of the

princess's, who will be, no doubt, the one who was confidante in their

amour, and is daughter of a very great duke."

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