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Don Quixote - Part I

Page 161

"So urgent is it," answered Sancho, "that if they were for my own person

I could not want them more;" and forthwith, fortified by this licence, he

effected the mutatio capparum, rigging out his beast to the ninety-nines

and making quite another thing of it. This done, they broke their fast on

the remains of the spoils of war plundered from the sumpter mule, and

drank of the brook that flowed from the fulling mills, without casting a

look in that direction, in such loathing did they hold them for the alarm

they had caused them; and, all anger and gloom removed, they mounted and,

without taking any fixed road (not to fix upon any being the proper thing

for true knights-errant), they set out, guided by Rocinante's will, which

carried along with it that of his master, not to say that of the ass,

which always followed him wherever he led, lovingly and sociably;

nevertheless they returned to the high road, and pursued it at a venture

without any other aim.

As they went along, then, in this way Sancho said to his master, "Senor,

would your worship give me leave to speak a little to you? For since you

laid that hard injunction of silence on me several things have gone to

rot in my stomach, and I have now just one on the tip of my tongue that I

don't want to be spoiled."

"Say, on, Sancho," said Don Quixote, "and be brief in thy discourse, for

there is no pleasure in one that is long."

"Well then, senor," returned Sancho, "I say that for some days past I

have been considering how little is got or gained by going in search of

these adventures that your worship seeks in these wilds and cross-roads,

where, even if the most perilous are victoriously achieved, there is no

one to see or know of them, and so they must be left untold for ever, to

the loss of your worship's object and the credit they deserve; therefore

it seems to me it would be better (saving your worship's better judgment)

if we were to go and serve some emperor or other great prince who may

have some war on hand, in whose service your worship may prove the worth

of your person, your great might, and greater understanding, on

perceiving which the lord in whose service we may be will perforce have

to reward us, each according to his merits; and there you will not be at

a loss for some one to set down your achievements in writing so as to

preserve their memory for ever. Of my own I say nothing, as they will not

go beyond squirely limits, though I make bold to say that, if it be the

practice in chivalry to write the achievements of squires, I think mine

must not be left out."

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