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Don Quixote - Part I

Page 16

There is a tradition that Cervantes read some portions of his work to a

select audience at the Duke of Bejar's, which may have helped to make the

book known; but the obvious conclusion is that the First Part of "Don

Quixote" lay on his hands some time before he could find a publisher bold

enough to undertake a venture of so novel a character; and so little

faith in it had Francisco Robles of Madrid, to whom at last he sold it,

that he did not care to incur the expense of securing the copyright for

Aragon or Portugal, contenting himself with that for Castile. The

printing was finished in December, and the book came out with the new

year, 1605. It is often said that "Don Quixote" was at first received

coldly. The facts show just the contrary. No sooner was it in the hands

of the public than preparations were made to issue pirated editions at

Lisbon and Valencia, and to bring out a second edition with the

additional copyrights for Aragon and Portugal, which he secured in


No doubt it was received with something more than coldness by certain

sections of the community. Men of wit, taste, and discrimination among

the aristocracy gave it a hearty welcome, but the aristocracy in general

were not likely to relish a book that turned their favourite reading into

ridicule and laughed at so many of their favourite ideas. The dramatists

who gathered round Lope as their leader regarded Cervantes as their

common enemy, and it is plain that he was equally obnoxious to the other

clique, the culto poets who had Gongora for their chief. Navarrete, who

knew nothing of the letter above mentioned, tries hard to show that the

relations between Cervantes and Lope were of a very friendly sort, as

indeed they were until "Don Quixote" was written. Cervantes, indeed, to

the last generously and manfully declared his admiration of Lope's

powers, his unfailing invention, and his marvellous fertility; but in the

preface of the First Part of "Don Quixote" and in the verses of "Urganda

the Unknown," and one or two other places, there are, if we read between

the lines, sly hits at Lope's vanities and affectations that argue no

personal good-will; and Lope openly sneers at "Don Quixote" and

Cervantes, and fourteen years after his death gives him only a few lines

of cold commonplace in the "Laurel de Apolo," that seem all the colder

for the eulogies of a host of nonentities whose names are found nowhere


In 1601 Valladolid was made the seat of the Court, and at the beginning

of 1603 Cervantes had been summoned thither in connection with the

balance due by him to the Treasury, which was still outstanding. He

remained at Valladolid, apparently supporting himself by agencies and

scrivener's work of some sort; probably drafting petitions and drawing up

statements of claims to be presented to the Council, and the like. So, at

least, we gather from the depositions taken on the occasion of the death

of a gentleman, the victim of a street brawl, who had been carried into

the house in which he lived. In these he himself is described as a man

who wrote and transacted business, and it appears that his household then

consisted of his wife, the natural daughter Isabel de Saavedra already

mentioned, his sister Andrea, now a widow, her daughter Constanza, a

mysterious Magdalena de Sotomayor calling herself his sister, for whom

his biographers cannot account, and a servant-maid.

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