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Don Quixote - Part I

Page 146

"It is not that," replied Don Quixote, "but because the sage whose duty

it will be to write the history of my achievements must have thought it

proper that I should take some distinctive name as all knights of yore

did; one being 'He of the Burning Sword,' another 'He of the Unicorn,'

this one 'He of the Damsels,' that 'He of the Phoenix,' another 'The

Knight of the Griffin,' and another 'He of the Death,' and by these names

and designations they were known all the world round; and so I say that

the sage aforesaid must have put it into your mouth and mind just now to

call me 'The Knight of the Rueful Countenance,' as I intend to call

myself from this day forward; and that the said name may fit me better, I

mean, when the opportunity offers, to have a very rueful countenance

painted on my shield."

"There is no occasion, senor, for wasting time or money on making that

countenance," said Sancho; "for all that need be done is for your worship

to show your own, face to face, to those who look at you, and without

anything more, either image or shield, they will call you 'Him of the

Rueful Countenance' and believe me I am telling you the truth, for I

assure you, senor (and in good part be it said), hunger and the loss of

your grinders have given you such an ill-favoured face that, as I say,

the rueful picture may be very well spared."

Don Quixote laughed at Sancho's pleasantry; nevertheless he resolved to

call himself by that name, and have his shield or buckler painted as he

had devised.

Don Quixote would have looked to see whether the body in the litter were

bones or not, but Sancho would not have it, saying:

"Senor, you have ended this perilous adventure more safely for yourself

than any of those I have seen: perhaps these people, though beaten and

routed, may bethink themselves that it is a single man that has beaten

them, and feeling sore and ashamed of it may take heart and come in

search of us and give us trouble enough. The ass is in proper trim, the

mountains are near at hand, hunger presses, we have nothing more to do

but make good our retreat, and, as the saying is, the dead to the grave

and the living to the loaf."

And driving his ass before him he begged his master to follow, who,

feeling that Sancho was right, did so without replying; and after

proceeding some little distance between two hills they found themselves

in a wide and retired valley, where they alighted, and Sancho unloaded

his beast, and stretched upon the green grass, with hunger for sauce,

they breakfasted, dined, lunched, and supped all at once, satisfying

their appetites with more than one store of cold meat which the dead

man's clerical gentlemen (who seldom put themselves on short allowance)

had brought with them on their sumpter mule. But another piece of

ill-luck befell them, which Sancho held the worst of all, and that was

that they had no wine to drink, nor even water to moisten their lips; and

as thirst tormented them, Sancho, observing that the meadow where they

were was full of green and tender grass, said what will be told in the

following chapter.

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