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Don Quixote - Part I

Page 14

With his crippled left hand promotion in the army was hopeless, now that

Don John was dead and he had no one to press his claims and services, and

for a man drawing on to forty life in the ranks was a dismal prospect; he

had already a certain reputation as a poet; he made up his mind,

therefore, to cast his lot with literature, and for a first venture

committed his "Galatea" to the press. It was published, as Salva y Mallen

shows conclusively, at Alcala, his own birth-place, in 1585 and no doubt

helped to make his name more widely known, but certainly did not do him

much good in any other way.

While it was going through the press, he married Dona Catalina de

Palacios Salazar y Vozmediano, a lady of Esquivias near Madrid, and

apparently a friend of the family, who brought him a fortune which may

possibly have served to keep the wolf from the door, but if so, that was

all. The drama had by this time outgrown market-place stages and

strolling companies, and with his old love for it he naturally turned to

it for a congenial employment. In about three years he wrote twenty or

thirty plays, which he tells us were performed without any throwing of

cucumbers or other missiles, and ran their course without any hisses,

outcries, or disturbance. In other words, his plays were not bad enough

to be hissed off the stage, but not good enough to hold their own upon

it. Only two of them have been preserved, but as they happen to be two of

the seven or eight he mentions with complacency, we may assume they are

favourable specimens, and no one who reads the "Numancia" and the "Trato

de Argel" will feel any surprise that they failed as acting dramas.

Whatever merits they may have, whatever occasional they may show, they

are, as regards construction, incurably clumsy. How completely they

failed is manifest from the fact that with all his sanguine temperament

and indomitable perseverance he was unable to maintain the struggle to

gain a livelihood as a dramatist for more than three years; nor was the

rising popularity of Lope the cause, as is often said, notwithstanding

his own words to the contrary. When Lope began to write for the stage is

uncertain, but it was certainly after Cervantes went to Seville.

Among the "Nuevos Documentos" printed by Senor Asensio y Toledo is one

dated 1592, and curiously characteristic of Cervantes. It is an agreement

with one Rodrigo Osorio, a manager, who was to accept six comedies at

fifty ducats (about 6l.) apiece, not to be paid in any case unless it

appeared on representation that the said comedy was one of the best that

had ever been represented in Spain. The test does not seem to have been

ever applied; perhaps it was sufficiently apparent to Rodrigo Osorio that

the comedies were not among the best that had ever been represented.

Among the correspondence of Cervantes there might have been found, no

doubt, more than one letter like that we see in the "Rake's Progress,"

"Sir, I have read your play, and it will not doo."

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