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Don Quixote - Part I

Page 121

The hostess, her daughter, and the worthy Maritornes listened in

bewilderment to the words of the knight-errant; for they understood about

as much of them as if he had been talking Greek, though they could

perceive they were all meant for expressions of good-will and

blandishments; and not being accustomed to this kind of language, they

stared at him and wondered to themselves, for he seemed to them a man of

a different sort from those they were used to, and thanking him in

pothouse phrase for his civility they left him, while the Asturian gave

her attention to Sancho, who needed it no less than his master.

The carrier had made an arrangement with her for recreation that night,

and she had given him her word that when the guests were quiet and the

family asleep she would come in search of him and meet his wishes

unreservedly. And it is said of this good lass that she never made

promises of the kind without fulfilling them, even though she made them

in a forest and without any witness present, for she plumed herself

greatly on being a lady and held it no disgrace to be in such an

employment as servant in an inn, because, she said, misfortunes and

ill-luck had brought her to that position. The hard, narrow, wretched,

rickety bed of Don Quixote stood first in the middle of this star-lit

stable, and close beside it Sancho made his, which merely consisted of a

rush mat and a blanket that looked as if it was of threadbare canvas

rather than of wool. Next to these two beds was that of the carrier, made

up, as has been said, of the pack-saddles and all the trappings of the

two best mules he had, though there were twelve of them, sleek, plump,

and in prime condition, for he was one of the rich carriers of Arevalo,

according to the author of this history, who particularly mentions this

carrier because he knew him very well, and they even say was in some

degree a relation of his; besides which Cide Hamete Benengeli was a

historian of great research and accuracy in all things, as is very

evident since he would not pass over in silence those that have been

already mentioned, however trifling and insignificant they might be, an

example that might be followed by those grave historians who relate

transactions so curtly and briefly that we hardly get a taste of them,

all the substance of the work being left in the inkstand from

carelessness, perverseness, or ignorance. A thousand blessings on the

author of "Tablante de Ricamonte" and that of the other book in which the

deeds of the Conde Tomillas are recounted; with what minuteness they

describe everything!

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