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Don Quixote - Part I

Page 11

How severely Cervantes was wounded may be inferred from the fact, that

with youth, a vigorous frame, and as cheerful and buoyant a temperament

as ever invalid had, he was seven months in hospital at Messina before he

was discharged. He came out with his left hand permanently disabled; he

had lost the use of it, as Mercury told him in the "Viaje del Parnaso"

for the greater glory of the right. This, however, did not absolutely

unfit him for service, and in April 1572 he joined Manuel Ponce de Leon's

company of Lope de Figueroa's regiment, in which, it seems probable, his

brother Rodrigo was serving, and shared in the operations of the next

three years, including the capture of the Goletta and Tunis. Taking

advantage of the lull which followed the recapture of these places by the

Turks, he obtained leave to return to Spain, and sailed from Naples in

September 1575 on board the Sun galley, in company with his brother

Rodrigo, Pedro Carrillo de Quesada, late Governor of the Goletta, and

some others, and furnished with letters from Don John of Austria and the

Duke of Sesa, the Viceroy of Sicily, recommending him to the King for the

command of a company, on account of his services; a dono infelice as

events proved. On the 26th they fell in with a squadron of Algerine

galleys, and after a stout resistance were overpowered and carried into


By means of a ransomed fellow-captive the brothers contrived to inform

their family of their condition, and the poor people at Alcala at once

strove to raise the ransom money, the father disposing of all he

possessed, and the two sisters giving up their marriage portions. But

Dali Mami had found on Cervantes the letters addressed to the King by Don

John and the Duke of Sesa, and, concluding that his prize must be a

person of great consequence, when the money came he refused it scornfully

as being altogether insufficient. The owner of Rodrigo, however, was more

easily satisfied; ransom was accepted in his case, and it was arranged

between the brothers that he should return to Spain and procure a vessel

in which he was to come back to Algiers and take off Miguel and as many

of their comrades as possible. This was not the first attempt to escape

that Cervantes had made. Soon after the commencement of his captivity he

induced several of his companions to join him in trying to reach Oran,

then a Spanish post, on foot; but after the first day's journey, the Moor

who had agreed to act as their guide deserted them, and they had no

choice but to return. The second attempt was more disastrous. In a garden

outside the city on the sea-shore, he constructed, with the help of the

gardener, a Spaniard, a hiding-place, to which he brought, one by one,

fourteen of his fellow-captives, keeping them there in secrecy for

several months, and supplying them with food through a renegade known as

El Dorador, "the Gilder." How he, a captive himself, contrived to do all

this, is one of the mysteries of the story. Wild as the project may

appear, it was very nearly successful. The vessel procured by Rodrigo

made its appearance off the coast, and under cover of night was

proceeding to take off the refugees, when the crew were alarmed by a

passing fishing boat, and beat a hasty retreat. On renewing the attempt

shortly afterwards, they, or a portion of them at least, were taken

prisoners, and just as the poor fellows in the garden were exulting in

the thought that in a few moments more freedom would be within their

grasp, they found themselves surrounded by Turkish troops, horse and

foot. The Dorador had revealed the whole scheme to the Dey Hassan.

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