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Doing It Over

Page 83


When she hung up the phone, she leaned against the counter and sucked in a deep breath.

Wyatt walked through the back door and stood opposite her. “You okay?”

“That was Nathan.”

“So I guessed.”

“He agreed to meet me.”

“That’s good.”

“Not in town, he doesn’t feel comfortable.”

Wyatt didn’t like that.

“No lawyers, no Jo.”

He narrowed his eyes.

“I need you to stay here with Hope,” Melanie told him.

“Yeah, that isn’t going to happen.”

Her eyes met his. “You have to. He won’t meet with me if you’re there.”

“I’ll stay in the car.”

“I need you here. Luke can take me, or Mr. Miller.”

Wyatt shook his head. “I’m not letting you go without me, darlin’.”

“Excuse me? You’re not letting me?”

Maybe that wasn’t the best way to put it . . . but damn right, he wasn’t letting her.

“Be reasonable. This guy is a threat.”

“Mr. Lewis is a threat. Nathan is just a prick. I’m going without you and that’s it. If you won’t stay with Hope, I’ll find someone else to do it.”

He ran both hands through his hair and felt his pulse race. “When is he coming?”

Melanie placed both hands on her hips. “I’m not telling you.”

“Oh, for God’s sake.”

“You have to promise you’ll stay away. If he sees you, he’ll think I lied and question why I even want to talk to him.”

“Sure, fine . . . when is he coming?”

“I can handle Nathan.”

He didn’t believe that either.

“What? You don’t think I can, do you?”

“I didn’t say a thing.”

She turned away and started toward the back stairs to the rooms.

“We’re not done, Melanie.”

“Yes we are.”

She stormed up the stairs as Wyatt’s father said, “Well that went well.”

“I don’t like it,” Jo mimicked Wyatt’s concerns.

“See?” Wyatt waved in Jo’s direction as he tried triple hard to get everyone in the room to suggest he accompany Melanie to the meeting with Nathan.

“We need him to talk,” William told them. “Now, I know you want to be by her side, son, but if the guy clams up, it’s all for nothing.”

“I’ll be there, bud. Nothing will happen,” Luke said.

“Why you and not me?” Wyatt felt like he was whining. “Jo, tell them.”

Jo passed a few glances around the room. “You misunderstood, Wyatt. I don’t like the fact that he asked that I not be there.”

“You’re a cop. That makes sense,” he said.

“You’re sleeping with her, that makes sense,” Luke stated the obvious.

“Please, guys, I’m right here. This is all ridiculous. I will meet with Nathan; Luke will drive me and wait in the car. I’ll wear that wire thing Jo has. The most that will happen is he won’t say anything about the marriage certificate that implicates him. He might catch on without everyone being there. He will know something is up if the place is littered with familiar faces.”

It didn’t feel right, and Wyatt didn’t like it.

“I’m going to be okay, Wyatt. I know how to yell fire and call attention to myself if I feel threatened. We will be in a public place.”

“Agent Burton is due back in Eugene on Monday, maybe I can get her to blend in close by.”

“She’s still here?” Melanie asked.

“Yeah, there’s a lead on Ty she’s going to check out.”

“Who is Ty?” William asked.

“Remember the two guys you got into it with at R&B’s?”

Luke and Wyatt exchanged glances. “Kinda hard to forget. Weren’t there more than two?”

“Yeah, but one of them came back when he heard about what happened to Hope. Seems that little bar fight wasn’t random.”

“What?” Luke asked.

“Buddy, the one who came back, thought it was a little too coincidental that he and his friend Ty were paid to pull you into a bar fight. Then he sees what happened with Hope on the news, saw you in the feed. He has an issue with people hurting kids.”

“Why would someone pay to force me into a fight?” Wyatt had a hard time wrapping his head around that.

“That’s what we’re working on. The running theory is Mr. Lewis was casing the place, wanted to see that you weren’t around. Finding the second guy is key since Buddy didn’t deal with the person who paid them.”

Melanie stood. “See why I need you here?” she asked. “I need to know Hope is safe, Wyatt. She trusts you above everyone.”

“You think you can get your FBI friend to follow Mel?” Wyatt asked.

“I don’t see why not. She’s been at my house for the better part of the week.”

“Great.” Melanie pushed off the couch. “Show me how that wire thing works, Jo, and let’s go. I want to get this over with.”

“Let me call Burton, have her drive ahead of us so she’s in place before Nathan even shows up.” Jo left the room.

“Keep her safe, Luke.”

“She’s like a sister, dude. I won’t let anything happen to her.”

“Better not.” He hated being benched.

“Jeez, he has it bad!” Luke said to William.

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