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Dirty English

Page 71

The gym had opened officially in February, and we’d had a huge grand opening party this past May. We were living in an apartment he’d had renovated in the back, and it was small, but for now, it was just us and it was enough.

He smiled at me as he sat down next to me and took my hand to hold it. We’d been coming here each afternoon to take in the pretty flowers and people watch.

Just then, a fluttering flashed across the bench and landed next to us. A dragonfly.

I let out a small gasp and went to nudge Declan, but he’d already seen it.

“She knows I found you,” he murmured and wrapped me up in a hug. We watched as the blue insect hovered around us, flitting from one side of us to the other for the longest time, until finally, she flew away …

The End

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