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Devotion (Club Destiny 5)

Page 9

The bed was at the back of his knees by the time Luke approached. Cole watched as Luke used one hand to grasp the back of his neck, pulling him closer until their mouths crashed together, a volcanic eruption igniting in his belly, lighting up all of his nerve endings as Luke’s tongue plunged inside. Cole couldn’t resist, he sucked Luke’s tongue before using his own hands to pull Luke against him, their erections pressing together.

Luke’s moan exploded in his mouth and Cole swallowed every breath, wanting to be closer. He wanted Luke to give in to him, but he knew it wouldn’t happen today.

The kiss intensified as Cole waited for Luke to make the next move. As much as he wanted to look Luke in the eyes when they came together, he didn’t expect that to happen either. The pent up energy he felt coming off of the man was going to result in hard and fast. At this point, Cole was ready to explode just from the brush of Luke’s skin against his own so he couldn’t complain.

“Turn around,” Luke demanded when he broke the kiss. “Get on the bed.”

Cole didn’t say anything as he turned away from Luke, slowly moving onto the bed, anticipation like a fire in his gut. He just wanted to feel Luke.

There was movement and then the bed dipped as Luke crawled between his spread legs. The warmth of Luke’s hand nestled between him and the mattress had Cole shifting to give him better access. As Luke stroked him with one hand, Cole felt the invigorating chill of lubricant as Luke prepared him using two fingers. Before he knew what was happening, Cole was thrusting against Luke’s fingers, using his own hand over Luke’s to stroke his cock faster.

“I want to feel you come. I want to shove my dick in your ass and feel you come on my hand.”

Yes. Fuck yes. Cole didn’t say the words out loud, but he groaned his agreement as he felt his release building.

Luke stopped suddenly, but returned as his cock penetrated his ass, forcing a gasp from him. He was so fucking big. Cole continued stroking himself while Luke slowly slid in deeper before covering his body with his. The warmth of Luke’s breath was against his ear, one strong hand gripping his hip while the other returned to his aching dick.

“You’re so fucking tight. So. Fucking. Tight,” Luke panted and groaned and the words penetrated Cole’s lust filled brain, punctuated by the impact of his hips. He wasn’t going to last.

“Fuck me, Luke. Take whatever you want from me,” Cole told him, not wanting the moment to end but needing more.

“Do you like when I’m buried in your ass?”

Cole nodded, holding his breath as he tried to keep from coming. He knew when Luke started talking, he wasn’t going to be able to resist. It’s what Luke did. He spoke to him, telling him what he wanted and what he needed while encouraging Cole to answer his questions. The deep, grumble of Luke’s voice sent chills down his spine. He loved this man. Whole heartedly loved this man and had come to cherish these very rare occurrences.

“So goddamn tight! Fuck.” Luke continued his verbal litany as his hips continued to pound him from behind.

Cole counteracted the thrusts with his own, sending Luke deeper inside of him as Luke’s body warmed every inch of his skin, starting from the inside out.

“You’re gonna make me come,” Cole ground the words out, accepting the fact that he wasn’t going to be able to hold out much longer. It felt too good. Too perfect. “Fuck me harder.”

Luke’s hips rammed him, his heaving breaths loud in his ear and Cole used his hand to guide Luke’s over his cock.

“Come for me, Cole.”

Sonuvabitch. The combined sensation of Luke’s cock grazing overstimulated nerve endings, his palm stroking him roughly, and the searing heat of his body against his back melded together. Simmering, churning. While his mind tried to process everything at once, Cole lost the ability to refrain, coming hard and fast, triggering Luke’s almost violent eruption inside of him.

Dropping to the bed, Cole absorbed the impact of Luke’s weight as he came down on top of him, both of them fighting to draw in air, their bodies coated in sweat.

“One of these days, I’m gonna be too old for this,” Luke announced with a laugh as he rolled to his side.

“Not if I have anything to say about it.” As far as Cole was concerned, age was just a number, and although he might not be able to gear up for another round as quickly as he used to, he damn sure wasn’t planning to cease their intimate activities anytime in the near future.

“Come here,” Luke’s voice lowered, his tone losing the humor it’d just contained seconds before. Cole rolled to his side, facing Luke, his eyes immediately taking in Luke’s disheveled hair, his lean, muscular build and wondered if he’d been wrong about his recovery time.

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