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Devotion (Club Destiny 5)

Page 77

The new house, the new club, it all seemed to fit into their lives. Much more so than watching Sierra and Cole try to form their lives around his. Luke preferred things the way they were now.

“Did you have lunch with Ashleigh today?” Luke asked absently.

“I did. She’s doing better. The doctor is letting her out of bed, although I’m not sure Alex knows she’s actually doing it.”

Luke chuckled, taking another long pull on his beer. He remembered how he and Cole were when Sierra was pregnant. Even at the time he knew they were probably taking things a little overboard, but no one could’ve told him that at the time. It was a male thing. He and Cole wanted to protect her, even from herself. It might not make sense, but it’s the way it was.

“Did she mention Dylan?”

“Yeah, she did. I don’t know if he’s doing better or if she just wants him to be doing better.”

“Kane said he hasn’t seen him in the bar as frequently as he was there for a while.”

“She said Dylan and Alex got into a fight. A physical fight.”

Luke laughed, the image of the two of them going at it flashing through his mind’s eye. “Wish I could’ve seen that one.”

Sierra smacked him playfully on the chest, and Luke laughed again. “What was that for?”

“You’re a typical male.”

Well, he could’ve told her that. He didn’t say as much though.

Cole chose that time to walk outside, carrying two beers. He handed one over to Luke before taking a seat on a chair opposite them.

“What’s up?” Luke asked Cole, noticing he had a concerned look on his face.

“Nada,” Cole answered solemnly, staring out at the water.

Sierra obviously took his nonchalance to mean something because she sat up and faced him squarely. “What’s wrong?”

“I just got off the phone with my mother,” he said, not looking at either of them.


“She and Jackson want to come visit.”

Luke grinned to himself, trying to hide his smile behind the lip of his beer bottle. Victoria and Jackson had taken quite an interest in Hannah, but Luke fully expected them to because Victoria was her paternal grandmother. In fact, they’d taken quite fondly to Sierra as well, even before the pregnancy so, needless to say, when they learned that they were going to be grandparents, they were quite excited. For some reason, Cole was somewhat uncomfortable by their visits.

“That’s wonderful,” Sierra said, getting up and moving over to sit on Cole’s lap. “Do you have a problem with that?”

“Not necessarily, but you might.”

“Why would I have a problem with it?” Sierra was watching Cole intently, and Luke was waiting for what Cole could’ve possibly come up with for his reason.

“They want to keep Hannah overnight,” Cole stated. “Something about wanting to give us a night alone.”

Sierra smiled which actually surprised Luke. She had only let Veronica watch Hannah overnight one time, and that was the week they had moved in to the new house. Luke thought they were going to have to tranquilize her to keep her from freaking out. She’d made it through the night, but not until she called her mother at least five times. Veronica had secretly texted Luke, asking that he intervene. That or take her phone away.

“I think that’s great. Are they staying with my mother when they come down?”

Cole’s head jerked toward her like she’d actually slapped him and he stared at her like she’d lost her mind.

“You’re ok with it?”

Luke fought the urge to laugh. He really did find this amusing.

“And you’re not?” Sierra asked. She glanced over her shoulder at Luke, and he simply smiled back at her. “What about you?”

“I don’t have a problem with it,” Luke told them. “You know Veronica’s going to make sure Hannah is just fine if that’s what you’re worried about.”

Cole laughed, a sound that was hovering on hysterical. “I don’t know what the hell has gotten into you two, but shit, please do me a favor and warn me when you’re going to transform into completely different people.”

Sierra laughed, throwing her arms around Cole. “And just think, that’ll give us an entire night to ourselves.”

“Baby, I suggest you abstain from any sort of sexual activity until that time because I can tell you, no one will be sleeping that night.” Luke tipped his beer up as he said the words and laughed when they both just stared back at him.

Oh yeah, he couldn’t wait.

Chapter Twenty Seven

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