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Devotion (Club Destiny 5)

Page 66

To Luke, teasing them was one of the most fascinating aspects of their foreplay, but watching Sierra fly apart was even more thrilling, only he wasn’t ready for that just yet.

He turned his attention to Cole, sliding his mouth over the smooth, swollen head of Cole’s cock, sucking hard while he used his thumb to press circles against Sierra’s clit, his other hand roughly kneading Cole’s balls. Both of them groaned, but when Sierra tried to move her arms, Cole managed to hold her back and Luke smiled to himself. The man didn’t mind sexual torture of any kind, but one of these days, Luke was going to push him to his limits.

Not today though. He knew they didn’t have all the time necessary to do everything he wanted to do to them, so he focused on Cole, taking him fully into his mouth, slowly at first then moving more intensely up and down his shaft until the muscles in Cole’s forearms were standing out in stark relief, his release close.

Stopping abruptly, Luke felt the tension in his own body as his need intensified, but he managed to ignore it. “I want to watch you ride his cock. I want to watch as he slides deep inside your pretty wet pussy.”

Dropping back until his ass rested on the back of his heels, Luke remained on the ground at their feet, his eyes focused on Sierra’s glistening pussy as she hurried to do as she was instructed. Luke knew it had nothing to do with anything he expected. Her urgency was due to the fact she was going to fly apart at the seams any moment, and he wanted to see it firsthand.

Using the arms of the chair as a brace, Sierra slowly slid down on Cole’s iron hard shaft, her body taking him in inch by delectable inch until she was fully seated with him inside of her. She began to move, slowly at first and then faster as Luke used his thumb once more over her clit, his other hand sliding just beneath Cole’s balls, teasing that sensitive spot that always had Cole groaning with frustration. Like now.

“That’s it, baby. Fuck him hard and fast.”

Luke couldn’t see Cole because he was hidden behind Sierra’s petite body, but he could see the muscles in his legs as they tightened, hear his growls as he tried to hold on until Sierra was right there with him. It didn’t take long before Sierra’s moans intensified and she cried out, her body stilling until Cole lifted her hips and thrust up inside of her once, twice before he too was groaning his release.

Luke was hard enough to pound railroad ties into cement with his dick, but he knew his satisfaction would have to wait. If, for no other reason than he was holding out.

For just a little while longer anyway.


Every muscle in Sierra’s body was relaxed, and she wondered whether she was going to be able to walk into the house on her own two legs.

She hadn’t expected that. Although, she absolutely was not disappointed. It had been far too long since they’d done something quite so spontaneous. For most of her pregnancy, Luke and Cole had both been too cautious with her. Then there was the restrictive time after Hannah was born when she had to settle on watching, or those downright intriguing times when they managed to send her into hyperspace with only their mouths. But now there weren’t any excuses.

Quite frankly, she was looking forward to more times like this. Not only the sex part, but the conversation she and Cole had had prior to. For the first time in a long time, she felt as though he was actually trying to open himself up on an emotional level that she hadn’t expected.

Luke lifted her tired, well sated body from Cole’s lap and carried her inside before depositing her in the shower. At first she expected him to join her, but he didn’t. For a few minutes, she was a little disappointed, but when Cole came walking in, he more than made up for it with his presence.

“Come here,” he whispered, his voice a little gravelly. “I’m not done with you just yet.”

A zing of heat raced through her, her muscles clenching deliciously as she thought about what that meant. She might’ve just had him minutes before, but she was more than ready again. That’s what times like those did to her. Just being outside knowing that someone could be watching was a turn on in itself. Not that they were watching, but the fact that they could be, somehow heightened the pleasure.

Cole cupped her face in his big hands, and Sierra had to go up on her toes to meet his mouth, absorbing his hunger with her tongue as he kissed her without an ounce of the gentleness that she usually expected from him. She liked this side of Cole. The dominant side, the aggressiveness that he rarely let free. He was so much like Luke; however, she was almost positive she was the only one of them that would admit it. His needs were just as fierce, and he had desires that hadn’t been sated yet. She knew it. He knew it. And she was certain Luke knew it.

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