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Devotion (Club Destiny 5)

Page 64

“I do. You weren’t happy. I’m not sure even you realize how much you try to carry everyone else’s burden. Even when it isn’t yours to carry. Remember Lucie? You walked around for years carrying her secret with you because you cared about her. I’m glad things worked out for her, but she shouldn’t have put you in that position. We don’t tend to think about it because of who you are.”

Sierra pulled his face a little closer, keeping her eyes locked on his before she continued, “You’re the man who saves the world. Not the man who merely tries. You’re the man who comes through for everyone, even at your own expense. Well, I’m the woman who loves you, and I’m not willing to sit back any longer and let anyone take advantage of you. Including yourself.”

Cole’s heart struck up a heavy beat, his chest constricting. He knew he’d become a sounding board for his friends, knew he was often the guy who stepped up to the plate when no one else did. It wasn’t something he could stop doing though.

“Don’t get me wrong,” Sierra said, lightly brushing her lips against his. “You’re the most loyal, most honorable man I know. I would never want you to change that. I just want you to be put first more often.”

It was as though she had a portal into his thoughts. She understood him. Probably more than he understood himself.

Cole couldn’t resist kissing Sierra right then, tipping her head with his hands and allowing his tongue to slide past her smooth, sexy lips. He could get lost in her. Day, night. It didn’t matter. Whenever he had the opportunity to put his mouth to hers, the entire world could fall apart around him, and he wouldn’t care.

“We don’t do this nearly enough,” Sierra whispered against his lips.

“No, I would have to agree, you don’t,” Luke’s gruff voice sounded from behind him and Cole didn’t try to look, he just smiled.

“Hey,” Sierra smiled up at him.

“No, don’t let me interrupt,” Luke insisted with a smile in his voice, pulling out one of the chairs from the patio table and moving it around so that he had a clearer view of the two of them. “I think it’s been far too long since I got to watch.”

Cole felt the slight shiver that ran through Sierra. The smile tipping her lips was bright enough to rival the sun any day. When she turned her attention back to Cole, he pulled her face closer, letting his lips press to hers again, his body immediately responding to Luke’s presence and the soft, pliant woman sitting in his lap.

“Do you care to direct as well?” Sierra asked as she peered over at him, her lips still brushing against Cole’s.

Cole was a little surprised at how excited Sierra was getting. It was still fully daylight outside, and although the entire yard was discreetly hidden from prying eyes by various trees and plants outlining it, they didn’t generally engage in these types of activities outside in broad daylight.

“Don’t mind if I do,” Luke answered, crossing one ankle over the opposite knee as he regarded them both silently for a moment. “Let’s start by removing his shirt. That’ll provide some serious incentive.”

Cole grinned, looking up at Sierra as she sat up straighter, then shifted so she was straddling his legs on the chair. He had to move to allow her more room because the metal armrests were almost in her way. When her cool fingers slid beneath the waistband of his jeans, and underneath his shirt, he sucked in a deep breath. She took her time lifting his shirt, trailing her fingers up along his chest as she went.

Cole wasn’t a vain man, but he admittedly worked hard for the body that he had. He didn’t cheat on his diet, and he routinely worked out. He’d done it for most of his life, although lately, he’d done it more for these two. The way they looked at him, their eyes devouring him when he went without a shirt, or when he was naked, was more inspiration than he’d ever had before.

Like now. Although he kept his eyes trained on Sierra’s face, he could see in his peripheral vision how Luke was watching him just as intently.

“So beautiful,” Sierra whispered. “I love to kiss you right here.” Her lips pressed against his right pec, directly above his nipple and the muscle beneath instantly hardened. “And here,” she said as she left a wet, hot trail down to his nipple with her tongue. He didn’t try to hold back the growl that her ministrations pulled from deep in his chest. When she used her teeth to tease his nipple until it hardened in her mouth, he instinctively grabbed the back of her head and held her closer, not wanting her to stop.

“It wouldn’t be fair not to give the other one the same attention,” Sierra mouthed the words as she moved her lips across his chest.

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