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Devotion (Club Destiny 5)

Page 44

Just in the last few days, Luke had started working a lot more. Spending less and less time at the house, usually coming in after Hannah was asleep for the night. According to him, it wasn’t going to last long, but the logistics of the club were being mapped out, and he would be damned if he would be left out of it. Sierra couldn’t blame him, but she was beginning to wonder whether he was just coming up with excuses to stay away from the house.

Realizing Hannah had fallen back asleep, Sierra placed her back in her bed before tiptoeing out of the room. She probably had enough time to take a shower and grab some breakfast before Hannah would be up again. By then, Sierra should be ready to head over to her mother’s. She needed a distraction, and she couldn’t think of anything better than her mother at the moment.

~ * ~

The instant Sierra walked in the front door several hours later, Cole could do nothing more than stare at her. He’d been sitting on the couch, minding his own business, working on his computer, but the instant he sensed her presence, he was hypnotized by the sight of her.

Seven weeks ago she had a baby, and he was pretty sure that every single day since the first day he met her, she had gotten just that much more beautiful. And now... well, he still couldn’t take his eyes off of her.

“Where’s Hannah?” he asked, noticing Sierra’s arms were empty.

“At my mother’s,” she replied sweetly, a mischievous gleam in her eyes that Cole could see from across the room.

At her mother’s?

Cole was somewhat surprised, although a little relieved that Sierra had decided to give Veronica a little time alone with the baby. As much as he missed Hannah every second that he was away from her, he knew Sierra was in need of a little break from time to time. He had been relieving her as soon as he got home in the evenings, but there had been a few days, especially in the last couple of weeks, where Alex had sent him on some crazy ass mission to dredge up business farther north than was their usual market.

Veronica had gently, although firmly, announced her desire to spend a little more time with her only grandchild, but Sierra had seemed nervous. Cole knew it had nothing to do with Veronica, and everything to do with Sierra wanting to keep Hannah close, so he was happy to see she’d finally decided to take Veronica up on her offer.

“Come here,” he told her, moving his laptop to the coffee table. When Sierra got close enough, he pulled her down onto his lap gently, sliding all of her jet black hair back behind her and holding it in one fist. “You all right?”

Sierra laughed as she snuggled against him. God he loved how she felt in his arms. He had gotten used to her cuddling up to him or to Luke or both of them at the same time, and he found he missed her when she wasn’t right there with him. These moments had occurred even less since Hannah was born, but it seemed as though all of them were trying to incorporate a few more hours into an already busy day and that never seemed to work the way they hoped.

“I’m fine. She’s fine,” Sierra said, sounding as though she were trying to convince herself more than anything.

“Well, I can think of something to take your mind off Hannah not being here,” he whispered, nuzzling her neck and inhaling her sexy, lavender scent.

“I’m thinking that sounds just about perfect right now,” she whispered back, her hand touching his cheek as she pulled his mouth closer to hers.

Cole couldn’t resist pressing his lips to hers as he pulled her closer, tightening his grip on her hair just slightly. Almost eight weeks had gone by since the last time he’d been buried inside of this woman, and he wasn’t sure how much longer he could wait to feel her velvet heat surrounding him again. Even after the evil trick his mind played on him in the shower that morning, he was still brutally aroused and in desperate need of burying his cock inside of her.

“Where’s Luke?” she asked, pulling back and looking at him.

“At the club.” Cole watched her closely, wondering what she was getting at. As far as he was concerned, there were two ways this could go.

“I was thinking we could surprise him,” she smiled, and Cole’s cock made sure she felt exactly what that idea did to him.

That was the second way, and he loved the idea.

“Right now?” He was all for taking her to the club, he just wasn’t sure whether she’d be able to walk after they were finished with her. The thought made him smile.

“I can’t think of a better time,” she said, but when he moved, Sierra made no effort to get off of him.

Instead, Cole found himself flat on his back on the couch, Sierra straddling his hips and her mouth fused with his, her pussy grinding down along the ridge of his erection. She was so damn sweet, so damn responsive, he wasn’t sure they were going to make it out of the house if she kept this up.

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