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Devotion (Club Destiny 5)

Page 37

Definitely important, and an intriguing concept. The electronic shutters slid into place, blocking out all natural light at the same time the overhead lights clicked on with a gentle hum.

“What do you think?” Luke asked Cole, turning to face him.

“I like the concept,” he stated noncommittally.

That’s what Luke was looking for from Cole. He knew if Cole didn’t approve, he would’ve said as much. However, his statement told him that he could see this working for them.

“I’ll need to bring my brother by to see the place before I will consider anything more.” Luke turned, giving the area another once over.

“Here,” Xander said, holding out a set of keys along with the remote. “Feel free to stop by whenever you want. Let me know what you think, and I’ll stop by the club to pick them up when you’re ready. If, at that time, you feel as though this place’ll work for you, I’d like to talk about a few other things as well.”

The three of them were quiet for a minute as Luke took the keys and moved around the perimeter of the warehouse trying to envision how this would work.

“I’ll send over the specs, and all the information that I have on the property for the two of you to review. Just let me know one way or the other,” Xander added, sounding as though he didn’t care which way Luke’s decision went. Not much of a salesman, that was for sure. Or quite possibly, better than most.

Deciding he’d seen enough, Luke turned toward the main door, falling into step beside Cole. He would call Logan to let him know. At this point, if this decision was going to go in Trent’s favor, Luke liked the idea of the space. His only concern was the location. He’d have to talk that one out with Sierra and Cole. Then again, this wasn’t his decision to make. They were just as much a part of his decisions these days.

He was lucky in that regard, because, until them, he’d had no one to answer to.

He much preferred it this way.

Chapter Twelve

“Luke?” Sierra said when Luke grumbled a greeting.

“Baby? Are you ok?” Luke asked, and Sierra heard the panic in his tone, which made her smile. He’d clearly been expecting this phone call.

“That depends,” she replied, gripping the door handle of the Escalade as Cole drove.


“Whether or not you’re ready to be a daddy.”

“Are you fucking serious?” Luke’s growl sounded a lot like Cole had just a short while ago when she told him she was pretty sure the baby was coming. “Where are you?”

“Cole is taking me to the hospital,” she answered, gripping the door handle and holding a protective arm across her protruding belly instinctively. “You might want to hurry.”

Sierra wasn’t sure she’d ever been in so much pain in her entire life. She was grateful that Cole was by her side, holding her hand as they rushed to the hospital while she listened to Luke on the other end of the phone. She could tell he was in a panic, and she honestly didn’t want to worry him, but knowing Luke, he wouldn’t listen to her anyway.

“Baby, I’m on my way now. Don’t hang up.” Luke’s desperation was palpable, reverberating through the phone. “How far apart are the contractions?” he asked.

“Three minutes,” she told him calmly.

Cole glanced her way, announcing loudly in hopes that Luke would hear that they were less than that at this point, but she managed to cover the phone as she laughed. She didn’t need Luke having a wreck on his way to the hospital. He sounded as though he were running as it was.

The contractions were actually about two and a half minutes apart, but her water was still intact and she hoped that it would remain that way until they reached the hospital. Cole had calmly called the doctor, informing her of the status of the contractions, and they were told that if they made it to less than three minutes and they were consistent, to go on over to the hospital. Sierra smiled as she remembered how Cole paced the floor, asking her every few seconds whether she was having another one.

She wondered whether it was normal to be scared. Or maybe she was just anxious. Either way, her heart was beating like she’d run a marathon when in actuality, Cole had practically carried her to the car. But, there was a nervous flutter in her tummy to go along with the rapid thump in her chest, so she was pretty sure she was just nervous.

Luke’s voice came back as he yelled at Kane. Sierra only could imagine what the other man was thinking at the moment.

“Baby, are you there?” Luke asked.

“I’m here,” she whispered, gritting her teeth as another contraction took hold. “Please hurry, Luke.”

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