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Devotion (Club Destiny 5)

Page 35

“Oh fuck! Fucking hell!” Cole threw his head back as his orgasm ripped loose, his entire body going rigid as he came down Luke’s throat.

By the time the world stopped spinning, Luke was once again kneeling over him, his mouth just inches away.

“One of these days, you might just ask for what you really want,” Luke whispered, and slammed his mouth down on his. Cole reached up, gripping his head, pulling him close as he thrust his tongue inside, tasting himself in Luke’s mouth.

One day, Cole might just ask.

He just hoped like hell Luke knew what he was committing to.

Chapter Eleven

“How did you talk me into this again?” Luke questioned Cole, not necessarily expecting an answer.

“I’m pretty sure Trent is the one who convinced you, not me,” Cole answered, his eyes on the road as they headed south on the interstate to some God forsaken little town that supposedly had a property for sale that Trent felt would be the perfect place for the club.

Only Luke hadn’t decided what he was going to do at this point. It did seem as though Cole was onboard with the idea of splitting up the nightclub and the fetish club, but no matter how much he wanted to move forward with a new club, it still felt like starting over. He was too fucking old to start over at this point. Hell, he was going to be a father in just a few weeks, which meant he clearly didn’t have time to be worried about getting a club off the ground.

“Is someone meeting us there?” Cole asked, checking his blind spot in the mirror before changing lanes.

Hell, they were almost there. “Supposedly.” Luke didn’t know much about this guy, but Trent had vouched for him. Some prominent land developer who obviously had more money than sense. According to the information he received, this guy was looking to invest in the club. Luke hadn’t even known he was looking for investors, but Trent obviously was.

“This guy got a name?” Cole asked, and Luke realized he was just trying to make conversation.

So, his foul mood was apparent.

It wasn’t necessarily that he was in a bad mood, he just was too tired to deal with this shit at the moment. He’d rather be at home, a place he had finally managed to spend more than an hour at a time in the last two weeks. After convincing Kane to fill in more at the bar, handling most of what Luke had been handling, he’d found some free time on his hands. Better yet, he was finally getting to spend time with Sierra.

Unfortunately, Alex had been running Cole all over the fucking state, which meant he wasn’t home nearly as much as they’d all like. Luke was just about to the point he was going to have a talk with McDermott. If he were smart, he’d just have a conversation with Cole. If Luke was going to take on a new venture, he would much rather do it with Cole by his side. Permanently.

“Boone,” Luke answered, glaring out the window. “Where the hell is this place?” Cole chuckled, and Luke turned to look at him. “What the fuck are you laughing at?”

“You. You need to calm down. We’re just going to check it out. It doesn’t mean you have to buy the place. Who knows, it might be just what you’re looking for.”

“I’m not willing to make any decisions until Logan can see it,” Luke told him. He’d tried to get Logan to meet them, but his twin had an urgent meeting he had to attend. As if Luke believed him. He wasn’t an idiot. He had heard Sam in the background and Luke knew what type of meeting Logan was going for. One that required him to be naked.

“Is that it?” Luke asked a few minutes later when they pulled into the parking lot of an ultra-modern commercial building surrounded by rolling hills. It looked almost like a compound with the eight foot stone wall surrounding the place, equipped with its very own electronic gate.

“If the address you gave me is correct, this is it.” Cole drove the truck up to the electronic keypad and entered the code that Trent had supplied them with that morning.

Moments later, the intricate wrought iron gate slid open, allowing them to enter.

There was a sleek, black Lexus parked in the small visitors parking in the front and Cole pulled up in the space next to it.

“What do you think so far?” Cole asked as they exited the truck and moved around to the front of the vehicle.

Luke wanted to say he was impressed. Considering the entire building was made of glass, he had to wonder exactly how this would work for them, considering they were in the business of being discreet. Windows, at least in his opinion, did not do much to keep curious eyes from peering in.

“I’m not sure the glass is going to work,” he admitted, realizing his bad mood had followed him out of the truck. When he started to move toward the building, he was pulled up short when Cole gripped his arm, effectively stopping him.

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