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Devotion (Club Destiny 5)

Page 30

Luke wanted to believe her. He wanted to think that the gut reaction to the pregnancy was just his insecurities manifesting into something morbid. Why was it that he always had the worst case scenario in mind?

As he pulled into the garage of his house, Luke took a deep breath, held it. He was going to have to confront Cole. They were going to have to talk this out. They had to. They both needed more than what they were currently getting, and it was up to them to decide how to make it better. Because that was the only option.

At least as far as Luke was concerned.

As he made his way inside, Luke glanced around, noticing that all of the lights were off which meant Cole and Sierra would be in bed. There were too many nights that he came home to this. Maybe Trent was on to something with the idea of Kane managing the night club. It would free Luke up to be with his family more.

His family.

That thought had warmth churning in his chest. Sierra and Cole were his family. And soon, they’d be bringing a child into the mix. Even though that thought worried him because he still couldn’t picture himself as a father, it made his heart soar at the same time.

Bear appeared in the doorway and Luke knelt down to pat him before he disappeared into the bedroom for the night.

“Hey, boy. You keeping things under control around here?” His question earned him a lick on his hand and Luke ruffled the hair on Bear’s back before pushing back to his full height. “Keep an eye on things out here, boy. See you in the morning.”

Trying to be as quiet as he possibly could, Luke opened the bedroom door, his eyes taking a few seconds to adjust to the room illuminated by the muted light of the moon through the blinds. When it did, he shut the door and disappeared into the bathroom.

After brushing his teeth, Luke undressed quickly before going back to the bedroom. With as much stealth as he could muster, Luke slid into bed naked, easing one arm over Sierra’s hip. Neither Sierra nor Cole had moved from the position they were in when he came in, so he spooned up behind her, his hand searching until he reached Cole on her other side. Not wanting to wake him, Luke couldn’t help gently squeezing Cole’s thigh, wanting him to know that he was there.

The darkness surrounded him as he lay there, listening to Sierra’s soft breathing, her petite body warm against his. Cole wasn’t making a sound, which meant he was awake. Luke couldn’t bring himself to say anything, no matter how much he wanted to.

Just when he was going to attempt to give in to sleep, Sierra rolled onto her back, her hand sliding over his arm.

“I need you both,” she whispered. “Right now.”

Luke opened his eyes to look at her, her black silky hair spread out around her, highlighted by the streams of moonlight creeping through the blinds. He watched as she pulled Cole onto his back with a gentle hand, looking over at him.

“Come here, baby,” she whispered to Cole and Luke’s heart skipped a beat.

These were the moments that Luke looked forward to. The moments he dreamed about. The three of them together, the world shut outside of their bedroom door, nothing to intrude on their time together. The moments when everything that plagued his mind during the day could be drowned out by the mind numbing pleasure that only these two could bring him.

Cole rolled over onto his right side, now facing Sierra who was between them, and Luke met his gaze, seeing the same frustration still lingering there, even in the darkness. She rolled onto her side to face Cole, and Luke eased up closer to her yet again, pressing his cock against the rounded curve of her ass.

He watched as Sierra slid her hands over Cole’s jaw, pulling him closer as he propped himself up on one arm. His eyes were closed as he kissed her, their lips melding together softly as though they were trying to feel out the moment. Luke ran his palm over the outside of Sierra’s thigh, then over to Cole’s hip, letting his fingers graze his warm skin. God, he loved touching them. The differences between them were significant, and his body knew every one of them, but his heart knew them to be the same.

When Cole’s hand moved over the top of his, Luke stared back at the man, waiting for him to open his eyes. He was still kissing Sierra as he linked their fingers, moving Luke’s hand down until he was brushing over the velvety length of Cole’s massive erection. A breath stuttered in his chest as Cole wrapped his hand around the length of him before stroking slowly. Cole continued to guide Luke’s hand with his own, squeezing firmly as they both stroked his length in tandem.

A growl tore from Cole’s chest as he separated his mouth from Sierra’s, both of them looking over at Luke. Sierra managed to turn toward him, kissing him the same as she had Cole, and Luke tried his best to keep the kiss gentle. With his hand still stroking Cole’s cock, he had a hard time focusing on the gentle part.

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