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Page 28

Terror grips her for a second until she realizes it’s not the business end. I work it firmly into her slick flesh, stroking myself harder when I see the feeling take hold of her—she may be scared right now, but she likes it. She fucking likes it. I go all the way and slide the handle inside her, all the way up to the hilt.

“Oh…fuck.” She rocks against it, clasping her hands to reach the sheets on the bed, but they claw at open air, the cuffs restricting her motion.

“That’s the hottest thing I’ve ever seen,” Blondie groans. The guy stops eating her out to turn and see what she’s talking about, and his eyes flash with something dark and animalistic—he’s just like me, this guy. He stands and picks the girl up roughly, guiding her so that she’s sitting down on his dick, her back to him. They both watch me pump the handle into Sloane as she writhes and bucks on the bed, moaning. Never in a million years did I think this was going to happen. Never in a million years did I think she would let me near her like this. The reality of it is thrilling and also worrying. If she’ll let me do this to her, then where will she draw the line? Because this…this is nothing for me. I withdraw the knife and clasp hold of it hard one last time, enough so that I feel the metal dig in a little deeper, and then I throw the thing as hard as I fucking can. It needs to be far away from me right now. The knife embeds into the wall seven feet away, juddering with the force with which I threw it.

My hand is dripping blood, and Sloane’s body is arching up toward me just begging to be taken. I suck on the wound—deep, the length of my palm—and the copper sings on my tongue. I lean over Sloane and place my lips to hear ear.

“What do you think, pet? Do you want to play with our friends?”

A guttural sigh stutters from her mouth. “I don’t—I don’t know.”

“It’ll be fun, I promise.” Her eyes meet mine and I see it again—trust. I wish I didn’t see that.

“Okay,” she whispers. I turn and beckon to the blonde before Sloane can change her mind.


The girl steps over her partner as though he no longer exists. I’m fighting to maintain control, fighting to keep my panicked objections on the inside, while Zeth, completely naked, sits back on his heels.

He continues running his hand up and down the length of his shaft, watching me twist on the bed with a stern expression on his face. I know most guys would be going crazy right now—two girls, one them half-naked, tied to your bed, the one other halfway there and willing to do God knows what. There’s a small part of me that’s shaking its head, sighing with disappointment at the way this evening is turning out. It’s the same part of me that also objected to me wearing the stockings and the matching underwear.

The other part of me is rejoicing, because I decided this for myself. I wasn’t pressured into it because I was after something, but because I wanted it. I’ve wanted to relive the night in the hotel for a long time now, but I’ve never been brave enough to admit it to myself. Zeth, with his confronting nature, has brought this out of me, though. He is my maker. And he’s created a monster. I’m horrified that I liked the knife. The way he used it on me had me vibrating with terror and want, a collision of two such powerful emotions that even I couldn’t tell which way I was going to lean—into the pleasure of it, or away, screaming at the top of my lungs.

And now this…

I’ve never been with a girl before. However, by the way the blonde woman crawls up onto the bed, shooting Zeth a possessive look, I’m guessing this isn’t her first rodeo. Zeth smirks, a deviant smile so sexy it makes my skin burn, and then he moves back, giving her some room.

The blonde dips down and laps at my pussy, tongue gentle and careful, not like Zeth when he’d done it. He’d feasted on me with the abandonment of a lion tearing into his kill, whereas she is more delicate. Her tongue is still damn persuasive, though. Her eyes watch me as she works, but I’m watching Zeth.

He gives me that knee-trembling smirk and carries on touching himself, completely unashamed. He owns his body, wears his skin with such a raw confidence that it makes me want to feel the same way.

“You want your hands?” he asks me.

I nod. He gets up and unfastens the cuffs at my wrists, securing me to the bed, leaning over me so that his cock is only inches from my mouth. I want to lick him. I want to suck him. I want to devour him so badly that my lips are tingling with anticipation. Making that move feels bold, though, so I angle my head and graze my teeth against his strong thigh muscle. He laughs silently, looking down at me.

“You’re gonna have to beg before that happens, sweetheart.”

With my hands free it would only be a simple matter of reaching up and taking hold of him, but I know instinctively that I would be asking for a whole world of trouble if I did. I let my head fall back onto the bed, groaning. The woman licking at my clitoris moans too, as she slips one of her fingers inside me. The sensation is huge, overwhelming, frightening and thrilling, mainly because of the way Zeth hovers over me, pumping his cock in his hand as he studiously observes my reaction. I thought I’d been turned on before, but this is something entirely different. This is consuming and powerful, a desperate need to please him. I reach down and bury my hands into the woman’s hair, grinding my hips up to meet her as she thrusts her fingers inside me.

I’ve forgotten all about her partner. I’m reminded of the other presence in the room when he approaches the bed, now completely naked. Zeth shoots him a warning glance, fierce and primal, and the guy nods his head, as though he understands exactly what Zeth is telling him. He hops up behind his girl—still totally focused on me—and pushes into her from behind. She cries out, momentarily stopping what she’s doing before carrying on. The guy starts fucking her, all the while staring down at my naked body in front of him.

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