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Page 24

“Step back, darlin’,” he instructed. I stepped back under the flow of water and he slowly massaged my scalp while washing the foamy shampoo out of my long hair.

“You’re washing my hair?” I asked in amazement. Destry just looked at me with an expression I couldn’t quite read and slowly turned me around so I was leaning my back against his chest. He reached for the conditioner, pouring a good amount onto my head and proceeded to dig his fingers into my hair. A moan escaped my mouth when he took all my weight on his chest and massaged harder.

“You’re spoiling me,” I murmured, melting like butter under his hands.

“You deserve to be spoilt,” he replied in a hushed whisper and moved me forward into the water to wash the conditioner out. Once I was sparkling clean, he pulled me out of the shower and towel dried me off. He went his own way to get ready and I was left to my own devices when it came to getting dressed thankfully; it was sweet the way he was taking care of me but I was certain I could dress myself. The level of intimacy Destry had shown me had thrown me off kilter; never would I have guessed he was capable of being so thoughtful and caring.

When I deemed myself ready for the day, I ducked into the study just down the hall from my room and made a quick call to the mechanic in town to check if my car would be ready that afternoon. He informed me the work would be done within the hour. I hung up the phone and looked around the beautiful room. Running my hand across the mahogany desk in front of me, I sighed. I couldn’t help feel a little saddened by the fact my time here was up. I would be back after I had taken care of my former life, but in the meantime, I would miss the sweet silence and all round homely feel of the ranch. Even when I returned, I wouldn’t be visiting the ranch often. I needed to find work. Any kind was fine by me, just something to pay the bills and a place of my own somewhere in town. Those would have to wait though; I had a long drive back to my own personal version of hell to look forward to.


“I’ll see you when I get back.” I smiled against his lips when he snagged the keys out of my hand and wrapped his big warm arms around me, pinning me to the side of my car.

“How long, again?” he asked, the stubble on his chin rubbing against the crook of my neck where he was dropping a kiss to my skin every once and a while.

“A week maybe,” I answered, feeling a swell of emotion at just how much he didn’t want me to go, followed by a grip of concern for how much I didn’t want to go either. I pushed the uncertainty away, reminding myself I was allowing myself this shot at some kind of happiness. I deserved it and I was damn well going to have it.

Watching Amelia drive off was harder than I thought it’d be, regardless of the fact I knew she was coming back. We’d not even discussed why she had to go in depth. I knew she had to wrap up a few things money wise, but other than that, I hadn’t asked and she hadn’t told. I pulled my cell out of my pocket and scrolled down to make sure her number hadn’t magically erased its self then rolled my eyes. “I’m turning into a chick,” I grumbled to myself and stomped to my truck.

My phone chirped on the seat beside me just as I was starting up the engine. Picking it up, I read the message that appeared on the screen and smiled.

I lied. It’s a big deal, cowboy.

I quickly typed out my reply and hit send.

Damn right, it’s a big deal, darlin’. Hurry back and I’ll remind you just how big.

Then with a smile, I put my truck in gear and headed back to the ranch. My grandparents were due back from their extended trip the following day so I had a few things I needed to wrap up. They’d originally planned on being gone only a week but called a few days into their vacation to let us know they’d be gone longer than expected. Little did the boys know but Gran and Gramps were planning on telling them they were going nomad. Gramps had come up with the genius idea a few weeks ago. Their plan was to get a Winnebago and drive cross-country visiting all the places they wanted to see before they were “decrepit old fools”; Gramps’ words not mine.

“She actually left?” Ellie-May asked when I closed the door to my truck.

“Yeah, pumpkin. She had a few things to take care of, you knew that,” I told her, trying not to smile at the pout on her face. I liked they’d formed a bond of sorts in the short time Amelia was here. Family was important to me and Amelia seemed to be fitting in perfectly. My steps faltered at that thought. I needed to get a handle on my balls and pull them back from where ever they were hiding. Thinking things like having her in the family was dangerous ground. The last time I had let a girl get that deep into the family, it had done a fair share of damage when everything went to shit.

“I didn’t actually think she’d go though, or that you’d let her out of your sight for that long,” she snickered from her perch on the swinging chair. I shook my head and dusted my hat off on my jeans. Before flopping down beside her, I grabbed the book she was reading out of her lap. “‘Blessed’ from David Michael.” I read out the title and then flipped the book over and scanned the back before looking back at her with an eyebrow raised. “Since when do you read this kind of thing?”

“Since the author’s cute and it’s a good book.” She snatched it back from my hands and hugged it to her chest. “Nice dodge but no prize, big brother.”

I sighed and leaned back crossing my legs at my ankles and running my hands down my face. “Yeah, she’s under my skin,” I admitted and crossed my arms over my chest.

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