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Destiny of the Wolf (Heart of the Wolf #2)

Page 50

Lelandi was sure she appeared as astonished. What the hell was he up to?

“We’re afraid someone plans to kill her, and that’s why she’s constantly under guard. She wants to learn who blackmailed her sister and murdered her. But I can’t let her run around town on her own. You know what’s happened to her already. In that light and because you’re unhappy with your job prospect as a nurse at the school, I’m offering you a job as Lelandi’s personal nurse. If anything should happen to her, your medical knowledge could save her life. Your salary would be commensurate with what you would earn at the hospital, but you would only need keep Lelandi company when she wishes it.”

“But I have a cat and…”

“Jake will see to the cat’s care. Doc Mitchell will board him until you’re ready to return home.”

Lelandi felt cornered into making a decision. But she was certain if she didn’t agree, Carol’s life would hang in the balance. “Until you can catch the bastard who murdered my sister, I think it’s a perfect solution, Darien. Of course, if you agree to it, Carol.”

Carol didn’t appear comfortable with agreeing to the conditions of her new employment. “Would I be free to go and—”

“No.” Darien’s face remained stern, determined. He would have his way, one way or another.

“If I don’t?”

He shrugged. “You’re free to go. It’s up to you. I would hope that you’d consider my terms favorably for Lelandi’s sake though. If you don’t stay here around the clock, however, there’s no sense in you being here. Who knows when the killer will strike again?”

“Can I go home and get some clothes?”

“Tom will take you.”

“All right.” Carol offered a smile, but the warmth didn’t reach her eyes. “I’ll do this for Lelandi. And hope to god I can make a difference if need be.” She rose from the couch.

“Good.” Darien motioned to the door and when he opened it, he said, “Tom, take Miss Wood to her place to get some clothes. Jake, you can take her cat to Doc Mitchell’s for boarding until we get this situation cleared up with Lelandi.”

Carol still looked like she thought they were going to burn her at the stake.

“I’ll see you in a little bit,” Lelandi promised. “I haven’t baked anything in eons with my sister. Maybe we can whip up something.”

“An apple pie?”

Darien looked somewhat mollified with Lelandi’s response. “Run her by the grocery store and get whatever ingredients they need.”

Carol’s expression brightened and she had more of a spring to her step when she left the house with Darien’s brothers. But as soon as the door shut, Darien gave Lelandi a look like she’d overstepped her bounds. He took her hand and led her up the stairs without saying a word and although everyone watched them, no one said anything either. She was in trouble now.

She had no good reason for getting on Darien’s bad side either. If Carol knew they were lupus garous, she put them all at risk. Lelandi had no business covering for her.

When they reached the bedroom, Darien released her and shut the door. She felt small and unworthy under his steely gaze. She didn’t say anything, not sure how to respond, and he finally blew out his breath. “What the hell was that all about?”

“She wanted to warn me I was in danger. We all know that. So what’s the big deal?”

“Lelandi.” Darien ran his hands up and down her arms. “She’s dangerous. How long have you known she has psychic abilities?”

“I’ve only met her once before.”

“And she told you then?”

Tears filled her eyes. “I… I don’t want her killed.”

He held her tight and kissed her forehead. “We have to do what’s right for the pack. In days gone by, we could have someone institutionalized if they’d seen one of us turn wolf. But we can’t do that anymore. If she does have visions that involve you and whoever this maniac is, I want her here. And I want to know about it immediately. We’ll put her talent to good use and take it from there.”

“And when she’s not of any more use… ?”

“I’m sure we can work something out.”

Lelandi didn’t think he would. The pack took priority.

Lupus garou took priority. One human woman was of little consequence.

“Do you believe she sees us as humans wearing animal skins, howling at the moon?”

“She says it’s dark. And it would be for her. We can see at night. She wouldn’t be able to.”

“And there’s a fog. Yet, she seems to see a hell of a lot despite it being nighttime while the cultists run around in a fog.”

“What are you implying?” Lelandi asked.

“I’m implying that she sees us as wolves, not as humans wearing furs. She was testing your reaction, seeing how you responded to the news.”

“Because she’s afraid I’d think she was crazy?”

He kissed her cheek. “Or, because you’re one of us, and she wanted to see if you’d betray this.”

“Does she think I am?” Lelandi asked.

“What do you believe?”

“At first, I don’t believe she thought I was. Then something made her reconsider. In the end, I felt she wasn’t sure. Maybe she trusted me. Until you said she had to stay here.”

“For your safety and hers. If anyone found out she might be able to identify whoever murdered Larissa, Carol would be a dead woman.” Darien paused for a minute, letting the seriousness of the situation sink in.

“Oh, I hadn’t thought of that.”

“If any of the lupus garous of the pack discovered she might be able to tell the world about us, one of them might not wait for me to make a decision concerning her disposition.”

“I understand fully.”

He hugged her tightly, wanting to keep her safe from all the evils of the world, but already he was worrying about Carol and her abilities to see the lupus garous as they were, and what he would have to do if things got out of hand. He knew if he didn’t handle the matter right, he’d end up driving a wedge between himself and his mate.

Chapter 22

AFTER SETTLING IN, LELANDI AND CAROL MADE TWO APPLE pies, while Tom and Jake took Darien aside to speak to him privately in his office. He figured there had been more trouble with their new live-in guest.

“Carol tried to sneak a gun into her bag, but I told her you and your men were the only ones who would be armed. She didn’t like it, but finally gave in,” Tom said.

“She’s going to be a problem. But maybe she can use these abilities of hers to warn us before whoever murdered Larissa strikes at Lelandi again,” Darien said.

A rapping at the door sounded.

“Yes?” Darien asked gruffly.

Lelandi opened the door, her face strained.

“Where’s Carol?” Darien asked, already leaving the office. He was sure the woman would attempt to flee if given the opportunity. She didn’t appear to be the fighting sort.

Lelandi grabbed his arm. “Darien, Silva’s here helping her with the pies. But Carol had a… premonition. A group of men are coming to see you. They’re angry, but they’re not the real problem. Another group is planning on slipping into a bedroom to steal me away. She doesn’t see what happens afterward, just that we’ve got trouble coming soon.”

Darien’s phone rang and Tom grabbed it off the desk. “Yeah?” He looked up at Darien, his expression darkened. “Uncle Sheridan says he couldn’t keep the reds at Hastings B&B. They’re on their way here.”

When everyone glanced at Lelandi, she lifted a shoulder. “Carol sees things sometimes. I guess she really does have psychic abilities.”

He was having a hard time believing it, but already adrenaline was coursing through his veins, getting him ready for a fight. “Tom, tell Uncle Sheridan I want him and both his deputies here.” Darien took Lelandi’s hand and kissed it, hoping not to show how anxious he was about her. “I want you and Silva in the bedroom.”

“And Carol?”

Jake said, “She can’t be allowed to see what happens when we have to fight. She’ll be traumatized.”

Everyone headed out of Darien’s office.

Carol would be more than traumatized. Tension filled every muscle in Lelandi’s body. She wasn’t worried that the grays would beat the reds. Well, maybe a little. Bruin and his brothers could be pretty underhanded and brutal. But she was worried about Carol and Silva, too.

“Uncle Sheridan’s getting his deputies and a few others to guard the place,” Tom said. “Do you want me to watch Carol?”

“You’ll be with Jake. Are you ready to play the alpha leader again?”

Jake gave him an evil smile.

“What about Carol?” Lelandi asked, her blood growing cold.

“Ask her. I’m sure she knows what’s going to happen already.” He led Lelandi toward the kitchen. “Have both Silva and Carol go with you to the bedroom. You’ll watch something on television, pretend like nothing is out of the ordinary.”

Uncle Sheridan barged into the house with Peter and Chester McKinley.

“Where’s Trevor?” Darien asked, his tone annoyed.

“He’s on his way.”

“I want to help even though I’m not one of your pack, if you’ll let me,” Chester said.

Darien glanced out the front window. Several gray wolves were positioning themselves around the estate. “All right. You stay with Jake and Tom.”

Darien amazed Lelandi at every turn. Normally, a pack leader wouldn’t want interference from a wolf he didn’t trust and know well when a serious crisis was at hand.

He kissed Lelandi’s cheek. “Go, move the women upstairs.”

“Hope the pies are done.” She hurried off to the kitchen, praying Darien knew what he was doing concerning Carol and that no one would hurt her in the impending fracas.

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