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Destined to Fall

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Sure, I may have a bit of a reputation as a philandering man whore, but at twenty-six years old and the world at my feet, I don’t see anything wrong with having fun. I guess now it’s time to grow up.

“You’re going make me proud.” He smiles at me like I’m the four year old kid who rode his bike without training wheels for the first time. With pride. I nod once, unable to find words. I feel the weight of his expectation resting on my broad shoulders. God, I hope I don’t let him down. He turns to leave but stops short to look back at me.

“Oh, I almost forgot, I want you to help Cassey get her presentation ready for the executives next week.” My brows furrow.

That’s her name! “Who’s Cassey?” I ask, going for nonchalance. Her face pops into my head.

“She’s the Publishing Assistant, and if she pulls off her presentation half as well as I think she will, she has a very bright future here,” he pauses. “Just don’t sleep with her.”

I laugh, waiting for my father to laugh with me. When he doesn’t, I realize that he’s being serious. “What makes you think I’ll sleep with her?” I ask, incredulous.

“Because I know you, Ky. You can’t resist a beautiful woman,” my father sighs. “I’m just warning you.” His assumption isn’t entirely wrong, but it still irritates me nonetheless.

“Thanks for the warning, Dad, but I’m sure I’ll be fine. I’m aware of the ‘no fraternizing’ rule amongst colleagues.”

“Good,” he says over his shoulder as he leaves my office, leaving me alone. I fight the urge to go find her and see exactly what my father is warning me away from. I got a good glimpse of her in the elevator and she’s by no means ugly. Her gray pencil skirt hugged her curves, showing off a small waist and wide hips. I caught sight of the white lace bra she had on under her white button down blouse. It made me hard.

And then when I saw her again in the boardroom, I couldn’t resist the pull I felt towards her green eyes. They screamed innocence, and purity, two things that have never been so alluring to me before. I don’t particularly have an inclination to go for ‘good girls’ but I’ve never been afraid to bend or even break the rules, especially if they’re mine.

But now I’m intrigued. My father never warns me against women, not even when I got ‘involved’ with Jessa.

I’ll just have to find out for myself.

Chapter 2

~ Cassey ~

I breathe a sigh of relief when I put the last manuscript of the day down on my desk. When I switch off my office light, I see that everyone else has gone home already. Glancing at my watch, it reads 7:00pm. I didn’t even realize it was so late. My phone starts ringing in my purse and I start digging for it when the elevator opens. I step in, find my phone, Quinn’s name flashing on the screen, and answer.

“Hi Quinny. Are you still in the office?” Music and shouting comes from the background before Quinn’s voice breaks through the noise.

“I’m at the bar. Hurry your cute little ass and come join us,” she half shouts. “Okay, I’ve just left. I’ll see you in ten,” I reply, grinning, before the line goes dead. The elevator chimes again and opens when it reaches the lobby. I throw my phone back in my purse and look up, feeling my feet slow on their own accord when I spot Kyler and the redhead standing to one side. Quinn said her name is Jessa. I watch in fascination as she slides her hands up his arms, remembering the image of his muscles my mind conjured up in my dream. Kyler’s hands grip Jessa’s waist and he pushes her away from his body, earning him a frown, which quickly morphs into a scowl. He says something to her, leaning into her ear, and seconds later she’s storming off. My feet pick up speed and I shuffle across the marble floors quickly, hoping Kyler doesn’t see me watching them. I make it outside, stepping onto the busy sidewalk unnoticed and turn in the direction of the bar where I’m meeting Quinn. Taking in the sounds and the smell of the city, I breathe in the energy pulsating around me. I can’t help but compare the life I have now to the life I ran away from, this little slice of the city a sharp contrast to the trailer park I grew up in back in Georgia. I wish I could say I miss it, that I miss my parents and the so-called friends I left behind. But after five years, I hardly think about them. The only time I look back is to remind myself how far I’ve come. I’m so absorbed in the unwelcome thoughts about my ghosts that I lose track of time and soon find myself outside ‘The Iron Maiden’, the bar we frequent during the week. It’s an upmarket bar that is known as the ‘watering hole’ for the young, wealthy working class in the city. I walk in, scanning the crowd until I spot Quinn’s blonde hair. Weaving my way through the throng of people, I finally make it to our usual table.

“Cassey!” Quinn’s excited squeal catches almost everyone’s attention, resulting in a chorus of ‘Cassey’s!’ from Jarred and his friends. She pulls me into a hug and I realize that she is already well on her way to being tipsy.

“Hi Quinny,” I greet, returning her smile. Jarred looks at me, wrapping his arm around Quinn’s waist.

“Hey Cass. How’s it going?” he asks. I haven’t known him long, but I like him, especially because he’s always treated Quinn like a princess.

“Hi Jarred. It’s all good, thanks. You guys been here long?” I eye Quinn up and down, noting how she’s leaning into Jarred for support. Okay, she’s obviously a little past tipsy.

“No,” he chuckles, pulling Quinn onto his lap. “But Quinn was thirsty.” She smiles at him and his eyes twinkle with the perfect combination of love and adoration. I just wish she wouldn’t be so stubborn and admit that she feels more for him too.

“You like me tipsy,” she quips playfully. “I’m easier to manhandle that way.” Jarred’s eyes dart to mine and I hold back a grin when he blushes. I’ve heard them going at it too many times for him to be modest all of a sudden. He clears his throat, a soft smile caressing his lips as he looks up at Quinn from his bar stool.

“I think you need to slow down, baby, before you tell Cass all our dirty little secrets.” Quinn giggles but doesn’t say anything to argue, which is strange because she hardly ever backs down for any man, not even her father. “So, Cass,” Jarred looks at me again.

“What would you like to drink?”

“A Screaming Orgasm,” Quinn answers for me. My cheeks flush and she bursts into a hysterical fit of laughter.

I just hope she stays tight-lipped about my lack of those in the last year. Unfortunately, that hope is shot to hell when Quinn opens her mouth again. “We need to get Cass laid.” Her tone is serious with an air of finality, as if I have no say in the matter.

“Quinn,” I grind through my teeth. “We already spoke about this. I’m not interested in a one night stand.”

Her response is an eye roll and I can feel a lecture coming. Fortunately, Jarred being the gentleman he is, deposits Quinn into his bar stool and disappears into the crowd, stopping at the bar to order me a drink. “Cass, you need to learn to let go a little and have some fun. Maybe one night of hot, crazy bunny sex is just what you need.”

Quinn’s suggestion triggers a flashback of images, all of which include a very naked Kyler hovering above me, sliding in and out unbearably slowly until I’m crazy with lust. That stupid dream has really fucked with my head, good and proper.

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