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Destined to Fall

Page 28

~ Kyler ~

I sit on my bed, back against the headboard, and watch Cassey get ready for her night out with Quinn. I called one of my buddies who recently opened a new club in the city, and made arrangements for them to get in without having to stand in line. Of course, Cassey has no idea. It’s better that way. She zips up the back of her tight, red dress that reaches her mid-thigh, and finishes up her make-up. When she turns around, I stare unabashed in appreciation at the beautiful woman in front of me, whom I’ve gotten to know quite well over the time she’s been living with me. It’s her last night here, and as much as I would’ve liked to spend it with her, I’m glad she’s going out with Quinn. Truth be told, I’m a little uncomfortable with her going out without me, simply because I don’t want any other horny douchebag seeing her in that dress.

Yes, sadly I have become a little possessive, and I’ve tried to convince myself that it’s because the city can be a dangerous place for two young women to be alone. But that’s bullshit. It’s because I’ve come to care about Cassey, and the thought of another man laying a hand on her makes my blood boil. “How do I look?” Cassey asks, smiling at me with excitement. Her current expression is a stark contrast to the expression I saw earlier.

I could see something was wrong, but decided that asking her would be blurring some kind of line between us, and if she wanted me to know, then she would have told me.

“Too gorgeous,” I reply honestly, giving her a half-grin. “The guys won’t be able to stay away from you.” I know what I sound like - a boyfriend - but somewhere in my mind, my need to protect her overrides everything else. “That’s too bad,” she replies. “I’m not interested in them.” She winks and disappears into my bathroom, which is now filled with all her girly products because she hasn’t slept in the guest bedroom or used its en suit bathroom since the first night she stayed here. What scares me is that tomorrow, all traces of her will be removed from my apartment, and it will be like she was never here. For whatever reason that unsettles me. However, I take comfort in knowing that she’s not ready for our arrangement to be over yet, and if I’m completely honest with myself, neither am I. Something about her has captured my full attention, and I’d be an asshole to think it’s just the fan-fucking-tastic sex we’ve been having.

There’s so much more to Cassey Emerson than meets the eye, and whether she knows it or not, she’s been showing me pieces of her true self over the past few days. Which is probably why I genuinely care about her. Cassey comes back out, and sits down on the bed to slip her heels on. The door bell rings, and I jump up to greet Quinn at the door.

“Hi, Kyler,” she greets, walking in. Her light green dress clings to her long lean body, and her cropped blonde hair is pinned back.

“Quinn.” I close the door and walk into the kitchen. “Can I offer you something to drink?”

“No thanks,” she replies, taking a seat at the breakfast bar.

I take a Carona out the fridge, and turn to face Quinn. “Cass, will be out in a bit,” I tell her, noting the way her eyes study me. Putting my mouth on the rim of the bottle, I tip my head back and take a long sip.

“Thanks,” she replies.

The silence permeating between us quickly turns awkward and if hearing my silent plea, the sound of Cassey’s heels click loudly on the hardwood floors and she appears, looking drop dead fucking gorgeous. Quinn’s lips rise into a knowing smirk when she see’s me starting at Cassey.

“Quinny!” Cassey squeals, wrapping her arm over Quinn’s shoulder in a half-embrace.

“You look smokin’ sister,” Quinn says smiling. “Don’t you think so, Kyler?” I fight the frown forming on my forehead, wondering what the hell Quinn is getting at.

“Yes,” I reply. I look at Cassey, and her mouth tilts into a soft, private smile. “She looks gorgeous,” I say. “But I already told her that.”

After a beat, Cassey clears her throat, and grins awkwardly at Quinn. “Let’s get going, we don’t want to be stuck in the line all night.”

Quinn rises from her seat, and picks up her clutch purse, looking between me and Cassey.

“Have fun,” I tell them. “And be careful.”

Cassey rounds the breakfast bar, and comes to stand next to me. I’m vaguely aware of Quinn watching us, but right now, I could care less.

“See you later?” Cassey asks quietly.

I give her a gentle smile, and nod. “Call me when you’re ready to come home, I’ll come get you.”

“There’s no need for that,” she replies. “I’ll take a cab.”

“Cass,” I warn. “I’ll fetch you.”

“Okay,” she sighs. She gives me a peck on my cheek, and as much as I’d like to make it more, I’m a little too uncomfortable doing it with Quinn’s eyes on us. “Bye.”

Cassey and Quinn leave, so I grab another Carona and collapse onto the couch for some mindless television to pass the time.

After two hours of being restless, and wondering what Cassey is up to, I throw on a pair of jeans and a black shirt, and decide to check up on her. She doesn’t even have to know I’m there, I reason with myself. I’ll just slip in, make sure she’s okay, and then slip out again.

Before I can question why exactly I feel the need to check up on Cassey, I’m out the door and on my way to the club. When I arrive, the sidewalk is littered with partygoers, both entering and leaving the new club. A few paparazzi stand around, and snap pictures of a few of the local celebrities coming out for a night on the town. Naturally, they start snapping a few pictures of me, but I wave them away and head towards the entrance. I give the burley bouncer my name, and he lifts the velvet rope to let me in. It’s dark inside, but the high ceiling has various storable lights hanging in strategic places that light up the large space. VIP booths line the upper floor, and overlook the dance floor, while the outer east wall is a long bar. It’s busy, people dancing, talking and drinking everywhere, and I push my way through the crowd, etching closer to the dance floor. I search the faces, and despite the atrocious lighting, I spot and Cassey and Quinn in the middle of the dance floor. A waitress passes me, and I ask her to bring me a beer. When she comes back, she hands the chilled bottle to me, eyeing me appreciatively, and then huffs when I don’t bother acknowledging her. The song changes into a faster upbeat tempo, and I edge closer to the outskirt of the dance floor. Cassey throws her head back and laughs, looking stunning, and totally carefree. I know I said I would leave, but I don’t want to. Quinn whispers something in Cassey’s ear, turns to walk towards the rest rooms. Deciding to take a chance, I step onto the dance floor, and weave through the throng of people until I’m behind Cassey. I snake my arm around her waist and pull her body against mine. She turns in my arm, and faces me, a look of surprise on her face.

“Kyler? What are you doing here?”

I shrug sheepishly. “I wanted to make sure you are okay.”

Cassey’s mouth dips into a smirk, and I want nothing more than to kiss her senseless.

“You were missing me, weren’t you?” she giggles.

I look away, a little embarrassed that she’s not only right, but that she caught me too.

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