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Defended & Desired (Billionaire Bodyguard 2)

Page 33

He nodded gravely. “Yes, sir.”

“Thanks, Will.” Trey returned the nod and led Devon to the counter.

They checked her in, but the woman with bouncy red curls, whose nameplate read Clare, sent a questioning look at the cage Devon carried. Trey paid using his credit card. After setting the room keys on the counter, Clare pressed her hand to the collar of her staff uniform. “I’m sorry, we don’t allow pets.”

“I’ll take him with me when I leave,” Trey assured.

Clare appeared uneasy about the arrangement, but she took one look at the dog and smiled. “As long as he’s here for a short time, it shouldn’t be a problem.”

Devon stayed unusually quiet as they took the elevator up to the top floor and he led her to her room for the night, or however long she needed to stay here.

When they walked in, the room smelled like lemon oil and luxury cotton. Brightly striped curtains separated the main sitting area and kitchenette from the bedroom. The plush furniture and classy décor gave a homey impression. He hoped Devon would feel comfortable here, safe.

Removing Peanut from his cage, she set him on the bed. He curled into a tight white ball and went back to sleep. Fortunately, the dog was only yippy and hyper in the confines of its own house and not in public.

“What’s the gun for?” she finally asked. Her voice sounded thready and tired.

“Your peace of mind.” He removed it from the waist of his pants and, keeping it in its holster, set it on the coffee table. “I have a concealed carry permit.”

“Old bounty hunter habits die hard?”

He lifted a shoulder. “Never hurts to be packing heat in case you need it. I assume with your military background you know how to use a gun.”

Releasing a sigh, she nodded.

“Hand me your phone.” She sent him a questioning glance but complied. “I’m punching in Cade’s number. He lives in a penthouse a few blocks from here. He can be on your doorstep in two minutes.”

She hugged her waist. “Thanks for going to all this trouble.”

“No trouble.” His chest ached with a surge of protectiveness as he stared at her slender form and troubled eyes. “What I do isn’t just my job, it’s who I am. And I need to know you’re safe.”

Staring at the gun on the coffee table, she shivered and nodded again.

“You’ll be all right tonight?”

She shrugged. “Why don’t you and your gun stay with me?”

He paused and studied her. “I thought you didn’t want that.”

“I’d like you to stay with me. I just didn’t want to stay with you.” She exhaled. “It’s…complicated.”

He slid off his suit jacket and tossed it over a chair. “Sure, sweetheart. Whatever makes you feel better.”

Her shoulders relaxed. “Thank you.”

Moving to her side, he cupped her chin between his thumb and forefinger until her eyes met his. “Stop thanking me. It’s unnecessary.”

“But you—”

“Devon.” He bent and brushed a kiss to her lips, then another. “It’s all good. I want to stay. I’ll take any excuse to be with you.”

The corners of her mouth tilted up in a hesitant smile. “Okay.”

“Excuse me for a minute.” He ducked into the bathroom to use the facilities, and as he zipped his pants he glanced at the large oval tub with Jacuzzi jets. He washed his hands, thinking that a hot bubble bath might soothe her. Taking the lavender-scented body wash from the sink counter, he poured the contents into the tub. Piles of foam filled the basin.

When he emerged, a trail of steam followed him. He took her hand. “Come with me.”

She entered the luxury bathroom and her lips parted. “A bubble bath?” Her face softened. “Trey, you’re a genius.”

“I try.” He went to the faucet, turned off the running water, and began undressing. She slid her dress off her shoulders, the material sliding down her slim body, whispering to the floor. He helped her into the tub then settled into the water with her.

The tension released from her face and a faint smile touched her lips, as he captured bubbles on a washcloth and slid it over her skin. Her nipples hardened, and he swallowed, forcing himself to concentrate on making her feel good, not what his libido wanted.

Turning to face him, she draped her legs over his, her fingers traveling from his shoulders down his chest and disappearing under the bubbles. He caught her hand before she found his erection eager for her touch. This wasn’t about him.

He threaded his fingers with hers and rested their joined hands on his knees. He needed a distraction, and a bounty hunter story seemed like a good way to dispel the sexual tension. “Stop me if you’ve heard this one. Four bounty hunters walk into a gay bar…”

Her eyes widened. “Are you serious?”

“Yep. We’d been tracking a guy named Butch Cassidy—”

“Was that his real name?”

“Some people have sick senses of humor when it comes to naming their kids. Anyway, Butch skipped out on his bail. Four months went by before I got my hands on some intel.”

“Is four months typical?”

He scoffed. “Not for us. We usually pop ‘em and drop ‘em within a week or two.”

“How did you find him?” she asked.

“Get this. Butch, a former body builder with a long rap sheet, decided to trade in the hetero life and go underground as a drag queen.”

A peel of laughter left her lips. “No way.”

He nodded. “I had the whole thing set up ahead of time, had the exits guarded, a few of our guys waiting in the parking lot in case Butch made a break for it. But I didn’t tell Cade, Adam or Liam we were going to a gay bar. They walked in, scoped out the place, and I watched their realization dawn. I couldn’t help it, I started laughing. I choked on my drink and almost had vodka coming out my nose. I thought Adam was going to race across the room and plant his fist in my face.”

“That’s hilarious.” Her eyes sparkled with amusement.

“Oh, you don’t know the half of it.” He grinned. “Some skinny guy with a faux-hawk came up to me and called me a ‘big mountain man,’ then asked if I wanted to go back to his place and do some climbing.”

She laughed with a snort. “What does that even mean?”

“Who knows?” He shook his head. “I didn’t ask. Hey, everyone has the right to their preferences. I have to say, though, it was priceless watching men try to flirt with my tattooed, badass cousins. My brother took it in stride, but even he was threatening to murder me by the time Butch took the stage.”

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