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Decadent (Wicked Lovers #2)

Page 17

For a moment, Luc just stared, as if he wasn’t sure what to make of her smile or what to do first. She took the decision out of his hands. An odd bravery, feminine resolution—pure need to tempt Deke—flowed through her as she reached for the hem of her top and pulled it over her head, completely baring herself to Luc. Deke got a great side view. Then she pinched her nipples, ensuring they were hard.

“I’m more than ready.” She hoped those husky words went straight to Deke’s cock.

They sure went to Luc’s. Staggered by them, he sank to his knees. “Stay on the sofa.”

Casting a challenging glance Deke’s way, Kimber wriggled, rolling her hips and making a great show of getting comfortable. Then she primly crossed her legs, imitating her best ladylike posture, and wasn’t it lucky for her that the pose thrust her breasts right into Luc’s face?

Yanking out the elastic band restraining his midnight hair, Luc tossed it on the table. Waves of inky hair fell around his strong face. His shirt came next. Off and onto the floor, exposing the taut lines of wide shoulders, the ropes of muscles straining up and down his arms. Abs rippling with every breath. He worked out, no question. And he looked damn good. She shivered.

“What can you take off next?” she taunted, glancing at his shorts. “I have something you can touch if you strip down for me.”

Kimber parted her legs enough for Luc—and only Luc—to see her all wet and swollen. Luc moaned, his gaze fixed on her damp curls.

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Deke unzip his pants and take his meaty cock in his hand. He began to slowly stroke every long inch, grasping the width of it in a harsh fist, his eyes glued to her. She loved having the power to drive the taciturn Deke to such desire. And she wasn’t close to done.

Where the inner vixen had come from, she had no idea. But she wasn’t about to put a stop to her right now.

“You do want to touch me, don’t you?” she asked Luc, toying with her own clit and gasping for effect.

“Yes,” he panted. “Do that again.”

“Get naked, and I will.”

Luc shucked off his shorts in less than two seconds to reveal his long staff with its thick veins and vivid purple head, and Kimber tried not to laugh. The power she had over them was heady. She was drunk on it. In the end, Luc or Deke—or both—

would take it from her. But in this moment, she owned them.

“Very nice,” she murmured.

The inner vixen goaded her into slipping her finger into her mouth and making quite a production of wetting the tip. With a feline smile, she dropped the wet digit to Luc’s cock and rubbed the moisture all over the head, adding to the leakage seeping from the tip. He hissed, the tendons standing out in his neck as he fought for control.

“You’re being naughty,” Luc scolded.

“Me?” Kimber was all innocence.

“Very naughty. Lift your skirt and touch yourself again. I want to see you do it.” A surprising request coming from the usually gentlemanly Luc, but after tonight, Kimber guessed there were hidden depths to the man. A demand that she masturbate for him—for them— definitely shocked her. And thrilled her.

Pushing self-consciousness aside, she leaned back and lifted her skirt higher with slow hands, very slow. She ended at the top of her thighs, and with Deke sitting on the sofa to her right, she knew he could see just enough to tease. His muttered curses bespoke frustration.

To add a little fuel to the fire, Kimber wiggled her ass and moaned, closing her eyes and licking her lips.

“Now, Kimber.”

She opened her eyes. Blinked. That commanding tone came from Luc? The usually gentle encouragement on his face had been replaced with something severe and impatient.

His fingers wrapped around her thighs—not lightly.


When his entire demeanor made her wet and the edge of fear zipped through her to create a thrill she didn’t quite understand, what choice did she have? Canting her hips forward, she lowered her hand to her sex and rubbed her clit.

Usually, when she was alone, she started in leisurely circles, spinning some fantasy in her mind. Tonight, she had no need to dream up any sexual circumstance. She was living it. And those slow circles? No way. With two sets of burning eyes roaming every inch of her flesh, caressing hard nipples, smoothing over her abdomen, probing her pussy, slow circles were not possible.

Sensation mounted hard and fast as Kimber manipulated her clit. The burning pressure became an ache as she watched Luc’s cock bob with every harsh breath he took. Deke leaned in.

He tried to peer closer, then sniffed. “Oh, hell, I can smell how close she is.” Luc gave a shaky nod. “Stop.”

Pleasure bubbled inside her, thick and roiling. Kimber heard Luc speak. He said something she didn’t want to hear, so she ignored him.

“I said stop.” He grabbed her wrist.

She whimpered at the loss of stimulation but ceased because he forced her to.

She blinked once, twice. Twin flags of color flushed his face. His long, artistic fingers gripped her wrist with startling force.

“Don’t push me,” he warned, looking unrelenting. “I’m close to my edge.” In other words, if she didn’t want to be sating him with her ass for the next three hours, she’d better back off.

“Okay,” she whispered.

He released her and nodded, his expression looking grateful. “Slide off the sofa, knees on the floor in front of me.”

Kimber didn’t even think of teasing him. She simply complied.

“Good,” he praised as he gripped her hips and turned her away from him. Then she felt his palm between her shoulder blades giving her a gentle push. “Lean forward and brace your elbows on the sofa.”

Oh, God. This was happening. Really happening.

She could say no. Kimber knew she could. But it wouldn’t serve her purpose. And she ached for what Luc could give her now, for what Deke would see and be aroused by. There was no stopping tonight.

Swallowing hard, she did as Luc demanded. The scents of leather and her own cream wafted around her. Luc handled her, caressing her hips, lifting her skirt, stroking her ass.

“You’re beautiful here.” He smoothed his palm over one of her cheeks. “Round, firm, pale. And right now, all mine.”

She moaned. His words, his touch, aroused her even more.

“This will work like the vibes, only I’m flesh and blood. And larger than the last vibe you took.”

Yes, he was larger, and not by just a tad. “Will it hurt?”

“I’ll ease in, minimize the pain.”

“It’s best this way. Luc’s got the patience, kitten. I’m going to love hearing you scream.”


Frowning, Kimber turned to him. Those denim eyes flared with passion, yes, but now tenderness also lurked. His face said that he feared he would hurt her if he tried to be the first to take her anally, but he was right there with her, hadn’t abandoned her. And she saw longing. He wanted to be in Luc’s place.

Her mind raced as she heard Luc ripping foil behind her.

Deke had given up this opportunity because he wanted it to be good for her? Had he goaded Luc into this on purpose?

“This will be a little cold and slippery,” Luc warned.

A second later, Kimber felt his fingers probing her back entrance, spreading the cool lube in and around her puckered opening. She shivered.

Doubt assailed her suddenly. Luc, while always gentle with her, was not a small man. Maybe she wouldn’t be able to handle him. Maybe it would hurt too much.


Luc caressed her cheeks gently, then parted them. “Relax. Remember to push down as I push in. You’ll be fine. I’ll make it good.” He placed a tender kiss at the small of her back, and Kimber knew he’d do everything in his power to give her pleasure, minimize the pain. She exhaled.

Then she felt him, slick and hard against her back entrance. He pushed in a fraction, and his head entered her. Pressure but not pain. Good.

Gripping her hips, Luc whispered, “Now, push down.” Kimber did, gritting her teeth. He thrust once, twice, blocked by the ring of muscle there.

He cursed, his fingers digging into her hips. She whimpered at the sharp edge of pain slicing into her. Instantly, Deke was there in front of her, on the sofa. “Shh. It’s okay, kitten.”

“Damn. I need to push harder,” Luc said.

She gave them both a shaky nod. Deke gripped her hands. A slight withdrawal, a fresh grip on her hips, and Luc surged forward, the head of his cock popping past the resistant ring of muscle. She gasped as pain burst, then slowly dissipated.

Fullness took its place. Jumping nerve endings awoke with new possibilities.

“Is it done?” she whispered.

“About halfway,” Luc croaked. “The hard part is over. Are you okay?” Was she? Experiencing something new, not sure if she was feeling pleasure or pain or something in the middle, opening herself to an act she’d scarcely thought of, was she okay?

Once glance at Deke’s face told her yes. Taut with pleasure and expectation, he loved it. Watching? Or just knowing that when it was his turn, the slide in would be easier? Either way, the fact that she was submitting to Luc now both pleased and aroused Deke and somehow made it okay. More than okay.

“I’m good.” She nodded. “Go.”

“Damn you’re tight, sweetheart,” Luc ground out. “I won’t last long.” There was no opportunity to reply, and Kimber supposed he didn’t need one, not when he shoved forward again, easing in another few inches. The pressure increased, and she mewled, arching her back. He slid in another inch. She gasped.

“Almost there…” With a last, frantic grab of her hips and a growl, Luc thrust inside her ass to the hilt.

Kimber cried out at the sudden, sharp sensations. Not pleasure, not pain; somewhere in the middle. An odd feeling of suspension, even as her knees became numb. And a total feeling of being mastered.

Deke brushed her hair away from her face. “God, you look sexy.” Then he glanced up at Luc, and she could see that their eyes met over her back. “Fuck her.” Luc didn’t answer, he simply drew back, all the way to the ring of muscle, then slid home. The friction made her gasp. Again, the pleasure/pain, the fullness and pressure, they made her writhe, toss back her head, and struggle to take it. Even as she knew she’d take it again gladly. Everything about her felt…alive.

“Touch your clit.” Luc’s voice sounded strained. “I want to feel you come.” No chance of her not coming, really. The newness of it all, and the rapture on Deke’s face as he watched her reaction to being all pumped full of pleasure. And Luc’s cock, strong but gentle, slowly picking up the pace. Slowly driving her toward oblivion.

Being obedient appealed at the moment, and she touched her fingers to her clit.

Not just wet but soaking. In fact, cream dripped down her thighs. Had she ever been this aroused? Deke and Luc were a powerful one-two sucker punch to her self-control.

Amazing, she thought, feeing the sexy chef thrust into her again. Her clit pulsed under her fingers, and she rubbed. Tendrils of pleasure spread like the parts of a spider web, delicate and far reaching. Shocking. Kimber heard moaning, and realized the sound had come from her.

The sweet ache of Luc’s invasion and the sharp edge of pleasure she gave herself was about to send her into the stratosphere.

“Oh, hell. She’s rippling around me.”

“You gonna come, kitten?” Deke whispered in her ear.

Kimber could only cry out and arch her back a bit more. Luc slid deeper and hissed, digging his fingers into her hips. He fucked her harder. Her nerve endings jumped in approval. God, she’d never imagined this would be so consuming.

“Suck his cock,” Luc ordered.

Deke’s gaze bounced up to meet Luc’s. Whatever he saw there calmed him. When he lowered his gaze to her, those blue eyes pleaded with her. He took his cock in his hand and eased himself closer to her mouth.

Yes! Full at front and back. It was…perfect. Luc’s rhythm was now deep, slow, and hard. Kimber set her tempo the same. She knew Deke liked it.

“Oh, fuck yes!” he cried out his approval.

Her fingers faltered on her clit, and Luc came to the rescue, batting her hand out of the way and taking over.

Oh, much better. He was so damn effective. The ramp up to ecstasy multiplied.

Spinning, tumbling, flying. Almost…

“Come, sweetheart.”

She moaned around Deke’s cock, and an explosion rent her body, tearing through her soul, rearranging her. Shaken, broken and remade, stunned and amazed, she convulsed, her back rounding as rivers of white-hot pleasure streamed through her body. Behind her, Luc stiffened, gripped her hips again, and let loose a guttural cry.

Kimber felt joyous, triumphant. She’d done it! And she’d gladly do it again. But she wasn’t finished, Deke reminded her by thrusting into her mouth. Determined to share her bliss, she took him deep and slow, sucked hard, tongue swirling, teeth scraping. His hands made their way onto her face and cradled her. “Yeah, kitten.

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