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Page 34

“Deke. You… This… Ohmigod!” she panted. “The friction…”

“That’s right, kitten.” He felt it, too. Without the latex between them, skin slicked across skin, providing the most heavenly sensations. But it wasn’t just physical; it was knowing he could feel her everywhere, in every way that turned him inside out. He wanted to turn her inside out, too.

It was hard to imagine that he was going to manage to make her come again.

Virgins often didn’t orgasm from intercourse the first time they experienced sex.

Kimber had just detonated in a killer climax. And he was working on a short fuse—

and getting shorter every time the bare head of his cock glided its way up her walls and settled against her cervix as she gripped him in welcome. But damn if he wasn’t going to try to give her one last burst of pleasure.

Bending his knees, Deke made sure he scraped the tip of his dick against that upper wall of hers, coasting in until her breath caught, until she tightened. Her G-spot. Gotcha! he thought with a smile.

“Want to come again?” he asked, prodding that bundle of nerves.

She gave him a shaky nod and tightened on him again. “What about you?” When he plunged in again, the friction nearly had him cross-eyed. “Oh, I’ll get there.”

Luc caressed her damp cheek, brushed sweat-slick hair from her temple. He settled next to her, burying his face in her neck and started crawling inside her mind. “You look amazing,” he whispered in her ear. “So open. You surrendered to every inch he gave you so perfectly. I want to see you come again. Can you do that for me? Please… Just the sight of it unravels me. I can only imagine what it does to Deke.”

Damn, his cousin was good at inciting a woman’s brain. A mental frenzy of desire always led to a bodily expression of ecstasy. And just in case…Luc shoved Deke’s fingers away from her clit and replaced them with his own.

“Aaahhhh.” Kimber didn’t say much, but the frantic nod of her head said they were overwhelming her again. Hell, Luc’s little speech was even getting to him.

That and watching the thick span of his own cock tunneling inside her, seeing her unfurl for him, take him completely. As he delved deep into her stare as he plumbed her body, Deke knew that she welcomed him inside her so freely because she cared. The thought nearly made him burst.

“Do you like the feel of him inside you, sweetheart? Like being full?”

Another frantic nod of her head as he nudged the hot spot inside her again with his cock, while Luc stroked the little bead of her clit. She grabbed at his arm, at Luc’s hair, and cried out.

“I love to watch you like this, so accepting and aroused,” Luc muttered.

Deke swallowed against his rising need to come and focused on Kimber, her body, and its signals. She couldn’t be far away. Please let her be close. Please…

“When you’re on the edge, your nipples are so beautifully flushed and hard.” Luc bent to lap at them, nibble, suck. Slow, leisurely, as if he had nothing else to do all day long. Around Deke, Kimber tightened, rippled. She reached out to him with her stare, those bright hazel eyes pleading, panicked.

Deke encouraged her. “Yes, kitten. That’s it. Come for me. I gotta feel you…”

“Kiss me,” she entreated.

After a quick glance at Luc, who nodded, Deke leaned over and lowered his belly onto hers. Then chests connected next. At the sizzling contact, Deke sucked in a breath at the vicious, breathstealing sensations. Then he ravaged her lips, fusing their mouths together. Oh, damn… The heat both inside and out. Sweat slicked both their bodies, providing friction at every point of contact.

Those hard little nipples slid across his chest, and she sucked in a loud, staccato gasp. Deke drove as deep into her body as he did her mouth, bracing his hands against her hips for each possessive thrust. She wrapped her legs around him and accepted him even deeper. He slammed into her again…again. Writhing, Kimber moaned louder.

Blood roared. Hearts drummed. Accelerated. Pounding. Desperate. Kimber screamed into the kiss. Her body buckled beneath him, and Deke held on with all his might, pumping his way into the tight clasp of her body as it rhythmically squeezed him without mercy.

Then, white-hot light and heat engulfed him, sizzling his whole body. The sweet burn revved from the base of his spine, tingled. His balls were so damn tight, and he held his breath. In the next instant, sublime pleasure exploded through his cock, prying something in his chest wide open, as he erupted inside her, flooding her with passion, semen. Something that felt suspiciously like love.

Early gray morning slanted through the little window to her left. Kimber blinked, looked around the unfamiliar room. An antique bed, an equally old, lovingly cared for dresser, a large, empty rocker in the corner.

Then everything rushed back at her. Louisiana. The bomb. Her father. Jack Cole’s hideaway. And last night…Deke deep inside her. Luc watching every moment, urging her on. After that, she didn’t remember a damn thing.

“Morning,” Luc murmured in her ear.

He cuddled closer, heat pouring off him in a searing rush. Something about the way he greeted her, or the way he curled his arms around her to drag her close, told Kimber that Luc had awakened eager and ready for more than a casual greeting.

“Hi.” She dipped her head shyly.

Crazy to feel any reticence after everything she’d done with and around him.

“Sleep good?” He planted soft butterfly kisses on her neck, across the curve of her shoulder, the swell of her breast.

“Hmm. I crashed. You?”

Luc inched closer, so the front of his body was plastered against her side. So the steel length of his erection prodded her hip in a silent question.

“Not so good.”

Really? Luc usually slept good, especially after… Oh, but he hadn’t come last night. She’d made love with Deke and fallen asleep.

“I conked out on you, didn’t I? I left you…”

“With blue balls?” He smiled, letting her know it was okay.

“I’m sorry.”

With another sultry smile and a flick of his thumb over her slightly sore nipples, he quipped, “Want to make it up to me? That is, if you’re up for it.” She hesitated, knowing that Luc wanted to make love to her. How did she feel about that? How would Deke feel?

Kimber had known from the beginning that they’d share her. Deke and Luc had never stated otherwise. If their intent had changed, Deke would have thrown his cousin out of the bedroom last night. Right?

But she hesitated. Last night hadn’t been just sex. Even she knew that. Deke had taken her with such feeling and passion…and he hadn’t denied loving her. Did that make her exclusively his? If so, why would Luc be the man lying next to her now, especially when Deke knew that his cousin always woke up in the mood? Given all that, Kimber doubted the three-way part of their relationship had changed.

Besides, Deke seemed to want him here, almost like a security blanket. If she wanted to lull Deke and encourage him to open up to her, spill his secret, saying no to Luc wasn’t a wise option.

Not that he was a hardship. She might love Deke with everything in her heart, might have even fallen for him when she was seventeen and barely able to process the unruly demands he pushed her body into feeling. But if keeping Luc here somehow enabled Deke to stay with her, it was a small price to pay. Besides, she adored the sexy, sultry chef. His way with words—and hishands—were always sublime.

Kimber wiggled, shifting, testing. “I’m sore, but not too sore. If you’re gentle…”

“For you, sweetheart, yes.”

“Um, I need a quick bathroom trip first.” She definitely felt every one of those ten hours of sleep in her very full bladder.

“Of course. I’ll wait. Impatiently,” he teased. “But I’ll wait.” She dropped a kiss of thanks on his cheek and rolled to her other side, intending to crawl out of bed and across the hall to the little bathroom.

Instead, she encountered Deke. He was awake now, but he looked sleep-rumpled and tangled in the sheets.

Her heart tripped. “You slept here?”

Deke tensed. “Yes.”

She couldn’t help the smile breaking across her face. “Next to me?”

“Yes.” Because he hadn’t wanted to be parted from her, his gaze said. A first.

Something new. Like…he’d given a bit more of himself. Kimber didn’t stop, didn’t question her urge, she simply hugged him and planted a soft kiss on his mouth. The connection that had forged them into intimacy last night leapt between them again, immediate, strong. He wrapped his arms around her and rolled her on top of him, right onto his hearty erection. When he pressed right against her, everything between her legs that had slept all night awoke with a vengeance.

“You all right?” he asked.

“Are you?”

Those blue eyes of his looked stormy, troubled by her question.

She tried to rephrase. “If Luc and I…?”

He cast a quick gaze over at his cousin, now stroking her back. In that flash, she caught hesitation, then resignation. “Yeah. We share. That’s no secret.” It may not have been a secret, but his acceptance of her doing the wild thing with Luc seemed questionable. She wanted to press Deke further, but nature called—


While she tossed on her white robe and dashed across the hall to take care of necessities and brush her teeth, she pondered Deke’s reaction. It seemed like he wasn’t sure he wanted to share her, but felt compelled to for some reason she didn’t quite grasp.

She wanted to talk to him. Luc had been convinced that if she could persuade him to make love to her that he’d tell her about his past. But her feminine intuition—

and living many years with military men—told her it wasn’t going to be that easy.

Special Ops types were trained not to divulge classified information under duress or torture. Even at her teasing best, she didn’t think she could get him to break his silence.

Now what? Kimber shook her head. It seemed she had nothing to do but go with the flow and see how everything played out. Not her favorite strategy. The Colonel always preferred a careful plan, but tough times called for tough measures…

Storing her toothbrush in the nearly empty drawer again, she dashed across the hall. Luc lay in the middle of the bed like a pasha, waiting for a woman to come pleasure him. It would be easy to imagine him as some sort of desert prince with his long, dark hair, those wicked chocolate eyes with their intriguing tilt. And miles of rippling golden skin.

“Come here, sweetheart,” he murmured, opening his arms to her.

A little ache took up residence in her body—part affection, part stirring of desire.

Poignant. She cared about Luc, utterly adored him. Would she ever come to love him with that same wildfire, all-consuming whirl of emotion that seized her when Deke was near?

Hesitantly, she stepped into the room. She felt Deke in the corner, then turned and saw him standing there, watchful, silent. She reached for his hand. He clasped it in his grip and swallowed.

“Deke, if you don’t want—”

“Luc waited all night for this, for you. He needs you. God knows I’m not touching him.”

Kimber smiled at his attempted humor, but she could tell he was torn by this.

Why share her? Duty? Loyalty? She didn’t quite understand. But she also knew that if she asked him point-blank, he’d never answer.

“Guess it’s up to me, then.”

Releasing Deke’s hand, she climbed up on the bed and gifted Luc with a soft kiss of greeting. With the most gentle touch, he palmed the crown of her head, petting his way down to her neck, her shoulder.

“You’re so soft, sweetheart. I’m going to be so careful with you.” Sweet. That described Luc through and through. She caressed his face. “That sounds wonderful.”

He brought her down for another kiss, this one longer, a more involved exchange of breath, a soft brush of lips, a soft slide of tongues. Minutes later, Kimber lifted her head and realized that, just from his kiss, her heart pounded like a platoon of cadets marching up and down a field. And parts south were already…moist.

But something was missing.

She turned to Deke. “Are you joining us?”

Barely an instant passed before he took two huge, groundeating steps forward and bounded onto the bed beside her.

“I’ll take that as a yes.”

Deke pushed her to her back and covered her mouth in a ravaging kiss like a starburst—fiery, intense, quick. Then he turned her to face Luc, tore the sheet away, and urged her toward his cousin’s cock.

“Suck him. Gently. It’s a tease. Don’t let him come.” Expressionless, his face like granite, Deke barked the order.

Kimber really wanted to pursue the reasons for his insistence and reticence, but he wouldn’t talk now, and she knew it. Besides, she wanted to keep Luc on her side, which meant keeping him happy. And okay, being honest…Deke had her heart completely, but she’d bet money that Luc was stunning in the sack. Still, she wasn’t about to let Deke do this reluctantly. She wanted him fully committed to touching her.
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