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Death's Excellent Vacation (Sookie Stackhouse 9.5)

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" The Hashmallim didn't say anything. He just stood there and stared at me. Kind of. If he'd had eyes, he would have been staring me down. Then again, maybe he was looking at my package. "Now, I know you guys have rules and everything, so Titty and I--" "Don't call me Titty!" came the echo of a roar that rolled down from a nearby rocky hilltop. "We are happy to make it worth your while, if you know what I mean, " I said, dropping my voice so the other Hashmallim couldn't hear. "I've got a credit card. Well, OK, it's actually Aisling's that she lets me use on TV shopping channels, but still, I know her PIN--I can pull out a wad of cash big enough to choke a behemoth. So whatcha say? Shall we talk turkey?" The Hashmallim stood there and said nothing. The bastard. By the time I ran through everything that Titania and I could think of to offer as a bribe--up to and including her sexual favors, and a sweater woven from hair brushed from my gorgeous coat--two hours had passed, and we were still no closer to getting out. "Look, I don't want to get tough with you. I will if I have to, but you can trust me on this, it won't be pretty. " The Hashmallim remained silent, but it was a mocking kind of silence, the kind that just dared me to try him. So I did. It took three days, but eventually, the Hashmallim cried mercy, and opened a rend in the fabric of time and space, shoving Titania and me through it. "Do not return, " it said in its creepy, wheezy voice, then slammed shut the rend. "And do not ever sing that song again!" "That was brilliant, " Titania said, her eyes giving me a long, considering look. "I would have never thought that singing the same song for seventy hours straight would be enough to break a Hashmallim, but you did it. What exactly was that song?" " 'My Humps. ' Effective, huh?" "Extremely so. I thought the last time when you wiggled your butt on the Hashmallim and asked him what he was going to do with his junk that he was going to scream. Well done, demon. Very well done. " She rubbed her hands and looked around the busy city street we had been dumped out on. It was Helsinki (per Titania's request), and although it was close to midnight, there were a surprising number of people wandering around. Several of them gave me an odd look. "What's wrong, you never seen a naked demon?" I asked a woman who stopped and stared. She looked startled and hurried off. "OK, I fulfilled my part of our bargain--now it's your turn. You gotta get me to Paris pronto so I can salvage something of my vacation before Aisling gets back. " "A nymph always honors her promises, " Titania said, grabbing my wrist and hauling me after her down the sidewalk. "But first, revenge!"

Chapter Twenty-eight


IT turns out they have laws in Helsinki about people walking around the city buck naked. Twenty-four hours after I was arrested, Titania bailed me out of jail, and shortly after that we were on a train headed for a small town in the countryside where she assured me her ex would be celebrating. "He always loved this area for juhannus, " she explained as the countryside whizzed past us. It was night, but because of the midnight sun thing that happened in the far north, it wasn't dark out at all. "We celebrated it here for centuries, so I'm certain he'll be here. The nymphood is on their way, so we'll-- what's wrong?" I squirmed in the seat. "It's my codpiece. I don't think it fits. " She rolled her eyes. "Look, you said you wanted some clothes so you wouldn't be arrested again, and I got you some clothes. I'm sorry if it's not what you like, but there's no time to go shopping for you. We have to get out to the juhannus so we can smite Oberon. " "Did you have to go shopping at a leather fetish store?" I asked, squirming again so I could adjust the leather thong, that, along with a fishnet tank top and the metal studded codpiece, made up what Titania referred to as clothing. "You couldn't have gotten me something from the Gap? There wasn't a Polo store around?" The look she gave me resembled ones Aisling had been known to send my way. "If you have quite finished, demon, I am trying to explain to you what will happen. " "You don't have to; I was eavesdropping when you were on the phone in that leather shop. You called up your nymph buddies, and you intend to blow into your ex's party and beat the crap out of him. It's not very complicated. " "Perhaps not, but it will be delicious, " she said, almost purring. Kind of like how a tiger purrs before it pounces. "So where does the part come in where you get me to Paris?" I asked, trying to adjust the codpiece. "Man, it's bad enough I have a substandard package. This thing is squashing everything together into one blob. Here, take a look and see if the blood has been cut off to it. " She held up a hand to stop me from unstrapping the codpiece. "I do not have time to examine your genital blobs. Oberon is a master of manipulation. We must plan our attack down to the smallest detail. " I sighed and slumped back in the seat, listening with only half my attention as she detailed her plans. Two hours later we met up in a park with the local nymphs that she had rallied, ready to set off on motorbikes to a campsite located on a small lake in a northern region of Finland. "Let the world hear of the Nymph Offensive of 2010!" one of them called, donning a pair of brass knuckles. "Nymphs unite! Together we shall challenge Oberon and his fae followers, and show them that we are a force to be reckoned with!" Titania yelled, standing on a box. "We will have vengeance for all those centuries of abuse! At long last, we shall prove our worth! Let there be no quarter for the faeries! They will know once and for all the true glory that is the nymphood!" The thirty or so nymphs who had managed to get to Finland on a day's notice yelled their support, shaking their fists and various weapons they had acquired. Some of the nymphs slapped on wrist guards and knuckle protectors; others brandished heavy-duty walking sticks. One waved what looked like a toilet plunger. "But . . . " One of the nymphs, the one nearest me, looked at me doubtfully. "But we are not all nymphs. " All thirty women considered me. If I'd been in my normal form, I would have asked for belly scritches. But somehow, I had a feeling these babes wouldn't take that request well. I'm perceptive that way. "Jim is just here because I owe him a boon for my release, " Titania said slowly. "He is not really one of us. " "The Titster speaks the truth, " I said, nodding. "I'm just here to hang out until she's creamed her ex, then she's going to get me to Paris. " The nymphs frowned at me. I started to edge away. One nymph frowning wasn't much to think about--thirty of them, armed and annoyed at men in general, were another matter. "Sorry, did I say Titster? I meant her high and gracious nymphness, Titania the Uber. " "We cannot have a non- nymph in a Nymph Offensive, " one of the chicks said, frowning some more at me. "Hey, I'm happy to stay back and let you guys kick serious faery butt, " I said, plopping down on the grass. "I'll just stay here and wait for you guys to get done, 'K?" "You must come with us, " Titania said in a huffy voice. "We had a deal. You said you would help me seek my revenge on Oberon. You must do that, or I will not aid you in returning to Paris. " "Yeah, well"--I twanged my codpiece--"I ain't no nymph, and if you have a rule that only nymphs can go along to whoop-ass, then it's not gonna happen. " "We can make him an honorary nymph, " the frowny chick said. Titania looked thoughtful as all the other women voiced their approval of this plan. "I don't see why that wouldn't work. Although he must change his form into that of a female. " "No way, sister, " I said, backing up. "I don't even like human form, but there's no way in Abaddon you're going to get me to change into a girl. " "Why not?" Titania asked, narrowing her eyes as she stalked toward me. "Do you have something against women? " "Like that's even possible? It's just not a good idea for me to take on girl form. 'Cause if I did, all I'd do is jump up and down and watch my boobs bounce. " The nymphs stared at me with accusation in their eyes. "Not like I've ever done that or anything, " I added quickly, then cleared my throat. "So! Men. They're scum, right? Let's go beat up Ti-Ti's boyfriend. " Titania made me ride on her motorcycle after that, in order, she said, to save the nymphs from my lust. They made me an honorary nymph, however, which I hope Aisling never hears about, because my life will be one long pun if she does. We got to the campsite where the faeries were celebrating midsummer an hour or so later. I knew it had to be the right place because not only were there a bunch of bonfires, there were also Renaissance-faire- ish chicks wandering around in long, gauzy dresses, with garlands of flowers in their hair. That, and everyone present was a faery. "Look at them, " snarled Titania from where the Nymph Offensive was hidden behind several trees circling the lakeside camp spot. "Just look at how they fling themselves around the bonfires as if they, and not we, were beings of the earth!" "They really do bring new meaning to the word frolic, don't they?" I asked, watching the faeries dance like monkeys on crack around the bonfires. "Hey, you can see right through those gauzy dresses when the light is behind them. Hoobah. " "They think they are chosen because Oberon has had us cast out of grace, " Titania sneered, "but we will not stand for this anymore!" "We are of the earth! We will take back what is ours!" Frowny Nymph said. "We will rule midsummer as we were meant to rule it!" "There will be no quarter for faeries!" Titania said, accepting a long, thin sword from one of the other nymphs. She held it aloft as if it were a beacon. "We will take no prisoners! We will have no mercy!" "Babe, just between you and me, I think you've seen Lord of the Rings one too many times, " I said, leaning toward her so everyone wouldn't overhear. "Viggo you ain't. If you want my advice--" She didn't. "This is war, my sisters!" she interrupted me, waving her sword toward the innocent faeries tripping the firelight fantastic. "It is them or us! All I ask is that you leave that lying traitor Oberon for me! Nymphood--arise!" On that battle cry, the group of women charged forward, causing immediate panic in the frolicking faeries. They ran screaming away from us, hands waving in the air as they raced around like winged Ren-faire-clad chickens, bumping into each other, the air thick with spurts of faery dust. It was chaos, sheer chaos, and although one of the nymphs shoved a rake in my hand before she charged off, wielding a chunk of garden hose like it was nunchuks, I stayed in the back and tried to keep out of the way of maddened nymphs. "Nice . . . Er . . . Wings, " I said as one flower-bedecked faery in a translucent gown ran past me screaming at the top of her lungs, a nymph in hot pursuit. I wandered over to where two other nymphs had a male faery pinned and were taking turns beating him over the head with a bouquet of flowers he'd evidently strapped to his hip (male faeries aren't, as a rule, the Otherworld's most manliest men). "Two against one--I like your style, " I told the nymphs, giving them a thumbs-up as I moved past. It didn't take long for the nymphs to wreak complete havoc among the fae folk. Ten minutes after they charged in, the whole motley gang of faeries were huddled together in one glittery, gauzy group. Muffled sobs and murmurs of comfort were periodically heard, but they gave the nymphs who stood over them, brandishing their weapons, no further problem. None of them did except the head faery, that is. Titania had squared off with her ex next to the biggest bonfire. He was a big blond dude with feathered hair and a garland of ivy leaves on his head. "There you are!" "Titania! My love! My darling! My one true . . . Er . . . One! How I have missed you!" "You lying bastard!" Titania said as she marched around him. Two of the nymphs held his arms while she circled him, the sword pointed right at him. He looked worried. "You missed me? You're the one who had me banished to the Akasha, just so you could screw some watery naiad!" "That was all a mistake. It was a glamour! Nothing more! She temporarily deranged my mind, but as soon as I came out of it and realized what she had forced me to do, I moved heaven and earth to get you out and back to my arms, my dearest, loveliest Titania. " "Which explains why you had all nymphs cast out of the Court, eh?" Titania asked, making another circuit around him. This time she poked him here and there with the tip of the sword. She didn't actually draw blood, but he jumped each time the point touched him. "It was the glamour!" he said, starting to sweat. "I swear to you, I would never have done anything to harm you or your girls--" The sword poked deep enough into his skin to leave a drop of blood glowing on its tip. Oberon squawked. "Ladies, I mean ladies! I would never do anything to harm you or your ladies! You know that, my dearest darling. I live for you, my love. My heart beats for you, only for you. Take my crown, take my wings, take everything away from me--everything but your love. " "Aw, man, I feel that chili dog I had for dinner coming back on me, " I said, rubbing my belly. "You don't think you could lay it on a little more thick, do you, bud? I bet another round of you telling Tittles how much you love her would have me refunding. " Oberon's eyes flashed at me for a second before he made puppy-dog eyes at Titania. "A glamour, you say. " Titania stopped in front of him, her eyes assessing what she saw. "It had to be that, my darling, my beauteous one. You know I have devoted my whole life to you. " I didn't believe it, but evidently Titania fell for it. She lowered her sword and allowed Oberon to scoop her up in his arms, murmuring all sorts of lovey-dovey crap that anyone with half a mind could tell was total bull. "I think I really may ralph, " I told the nearest nymph, the one who frowned so much. She looked a bit green around the gills, too. "Hey, Ti! You gonna get me to Paris before you and the Obster there go off to the land of Boinksville?" "Certainly. Cobs, take the demon to the portal in Helsinki and see that it's sent to Paris. Now, Oberon, about the repeal on the ban of nymphs at the Court . . . " The pair of them wandered off. "How long do you give that? " I asked the nymph named Cobs as she gestured for me to follow her. The other nymphs were releasing the wad of damp faeries, all of whom twitched whenever one of the nymphs came too close. "Oberon is a smart man. I doubt if he'll cross Titania again. Especially after he sees what she's brought with her, " she said, nodding as another nymph carrying a box ran past us toward Titania. "Really? Why, what's in the box?" She smiled as she swung a leg over her motorcycle. "Wing clippers. "

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