Dear Enemy
Page 40Did you know all that? It's very necessary information for a politician
to have. Get the book and read it, please; I'd send my copy only that
it's borrowed.
It's also very necessary information for me to have. There are eleven of
these chicks that I suspect a bit, and I am SURE of Loretta Higgins. I
have been trying for a month to introduce one or two basic ideas into
that child's brain, and now I know what the trouble is: her head is
filled with a sort of soft cheesy substance instead of brain.
I came up here to make over this asylum in such little details as fresh
air and food and clothes and sunshine, but, heavens! you can see what
problems I am facing. I've got to make over society first, so that it
excited conversation; but I've just met up with the subject of
feeble-mindedness, and it's appalling--and interesting. It is your
business as a legislator to make laws that will remove it from the
world. Please attend to this immediately, And oblige,
Sup't John Grier Home.
Dear Man of Science:
You didn't come today. Please don't skip us tomorrow. I have finished
the Kallikak family and I am bursting with talk. Don't you think we
We owe it to adopting parents not to saddle them with feeble-minded
You know, I'm tempted to ask you to prescribe arsenic for Loretta's
cold. I've diagnosed her case; she's a Kallikak. Is it right to let her
grow up and found a line of 378 feeble-minded people for society to care
for? Oh dear! I do hate to poison the child, but what can I do?
S. McB.
Dear Gordon:
You aren't interested in feeble-minded people, and you are shocked
because I am? Well, I am equally shocked because you are not. If you
in this world, how can you make wise laws?
You can't.
However, at your request, I will converse upon a less morbid subject.
I've just bought fifty yards of blue and rose and green and corn-colored
hair-ribbon as an Easter present for my fifty little daughters. I am
also thinking of sending you an Easter present. How would a nice fluffy
little kitten please you? I can offer any of the following patterns:--
Number 3 comes in any color, gray, black, or yellow. If you will let me
know which you would rather have, I will express it at once.