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Dash of Peril

Page 51

With a small purr, she stepped up to him again, but instead of kissing him, she...played. Using both hands. Over his ni**les, his clenched abs, around to the top of his ass, back around front again.

Down to his dick.

He locked his jaw.

Her cool fingers moved over him, so featherlight that he couldn’t help but twitch. She kept her head down, her attention on his nakedness.

Slowly, carefully, she wrapped one small hand around him. Squeezing.


Her thumb slipped over the head, making his balls tighten.

“You like that?”

“Yeah.” He managed to free one hand so he could pet her head, teasing those silky little curls that she had fought so hard for. “I love having you touch me.”

“And this?” She firmed her grip and started stroking with one hand while the other went lower, cuddling gently.

His eyes closed. “Yeah.”

She kissed his chest. “I love how you smell, Dash.” Her small tongue came out to tease, and all the while she continued to stroke him.

“Baby...” He fought back a wave of pleasure, swallowed hard. This would be over soon if she didn’t lighten up, and he wanted, needed, to make sure she kept pace with him. “Maybe we should—”

“We will.” She looked up at him, her eyes heavy, and licked her lips.

Dash nudged her forward. “Kiss me.”

But as he started to lean down to her, she whispered, “All right,” and sank to her knees.

Seeing her there in front of him damn near did it for him. Then when her breath brushed him, he stiffened even more. Brushing her cheek over him, she whispered, “You smell even better here.”

“Ah...fuck.” He sucked in air, but it didn’t help. “Baby...” Sinking his fingers into her hair, close to her scalp, he rasped, “You’re killing me.”

“Mmm, maybe this’ll help.” Her hot little tongue flicked out and tasted him, almost stopping his heart. She did it again and again, licking over his shaft, holding him tight between her fingers, up to the head and over.

Trembling with restraint, Dash squeezed his eyes shut and locked his knees. He kept his hand on her head loose, gently encouraging. Not looking at her proved impossible, so he opened his eyes again and stared down at her.

What a sight. She looked so damned pretty sitting back on her heels, her ni**les taut against the soft T-shirt, her small hand circling his cock.

Her hotly aroused expression made it clear she enjoyed teasing him.

Unable to stand it, Dash guided her closer, hoping like hell that she’d take the hint and—

Her eyes closed, her lips parted and she drew him into her mouth, her velvet tongue teasing as she took him deep, eased back, slid down over him again. With a humming sound of pleasure, her cheeks hollowed out as she sucked.

His spine made contact with the sharp edge of the counter when he moved both hands to her head, urging her to a faster pace. Insanity. If she didn’t stop now, there’d be no going back for him.

Already he was on the verge of coming.

He hated to call a halt, but... “That’s enough.”

Her fingers tensed on the base of his shaft, squeezing to let him know she disagreed. Her tongue moved over the sensitive underside, then curled up and over the head, wrenching a deep groan out of him.

His testicles drew taut, signaling the point of no return. She held them gently in her palm as if urging him on.

He fought against it, growling, “If you don’t stop, I’m going to—”

Pulling back, she looked up at him and whispered, “Do,” before sucking him deep again.

That one small word, coupled with the way she looked at him, on her knees, his dick in her mouth... It was more than enough. Too much, in fact.

He clenched his fingers in her hair, holding her closer, breathing harder—and groaned out a raging release. She took all of him, everything, and even after the twisting pleasure waned, he heard the soft, hungry sounds she made.

Spent, he twitched as she licked along his length before finally releasing him. He got several more small, damp, teasing kisses, each one sending aftershocks through his now lax muscles.

He needed a hold on the counter now more than ever but he didn’t want to let go of Margo. His legs trembled and he sucked in air, trying to regain his wits.

As she gradually rose, she cupped her hands behind his denim-covered knees, up to the backs of his bare thighs, then to his ass.

Walking her fingertips up his back, she kissed his hip bone, opened her mouth on his abs, lightly bit his left pec, then cuddled in close, nuzzling his throat, aroused and warm and sweet.

Could she feel him shaking?

He dropped his head forward, pulling her closer. Love left his heart full while a slow burn remained just under his skin. “Give me a minute or two.”

“Take all the time you need,” she murmured, still licking his skin, tasting him all over with open-mouth love bites—doing a lot to revive him. She snaked a hand back down to his crotch and gently held him.

It took some concentration, but Dash managed to string words together into a sentence. “You know what this means, right?”

She gave him an easy tug. “It means I’m in control now.”

He smiled, cupped her cheek and leaned her back so he could see her face. By the second he recovered, now semisated and without the sharp bite of desperate need.

But she looked beautifully aroused. Dash glanced down at her br**sts, at her stiffened ni**les. At that very tempting mouth that had just pleasured him.

He touched her lips with his thumb, then had to bend down to kiss her. “Now that I’ve come—and I thank you for that, by the way—I can hold out longer. A lot longer.”

Something passed over her features. Surprise. Sudden awareness. Hot excitement.

He nibbled on her bottom lip. Had she done it on purpose? Had she deliberately helped him release the sexual tension so he could take her through her paces again? It was a nice thought—one that did a lot to get him going again.

And since her hand still held him, she felt it when he flexed, thickened.

Eyes widening, she looked down at him. “Already?”

“You’re here with me, in my house, and I’m thinking about everything I want to do to you. Everything you’re going to love.” He kissed her, moving his mouth over hers but keeping it gentle.

Controlling it.

Her hand released him, moving to his chest as she anxiously tried to get closer.

Raising his hands to her br**sts, Dash closed his fingertips over her ni**les. Very, very gently he teased, pinched, rolled.

Moaning, she broke away, bit her bottom lip and turned for the stairs.

Dash hiked up his jeans and followed. “In a hurry?”


The spiral staircase put her at a disadvantage as she climbed the treads ahead of him. He nipped at her bottom, managed to stroke her a few times, and by the time they reached the spacious bedroom she was gasping.

As soon as her feet hit the floor she turned to face him and whisked off her T-shirt, effectively making him pause.

Staring at him, she hooked her thumbs in the waistband of her panties and skimmed them down. Because of her elbow, because she still felt the effects even though she’d deny it, the striptease wasn’t as smooth as it might have been.

Didn’t matter.

Dash wanted to devour her, but he forced himself to stand back. “Lay down on the bed.”

Without question she turned to do just that...and he added, “On your stomach.”

He heard her soft groan as she went to her knees on the bed, almost stopping his heart with the tantalizing view, before stretching out. She kept her healing arm at her side, but folded the other under her head.

Never taking his gaze off her, Dash stripped off his jeans. Emotional overload, scalding lust—the combination left him devastated.

He walked around the foot of the bed, surveying her from each side. The sides of her br**sts swelled out from under her, her back dipped down to a tiny waist, then flared up to that round, sexy rump. Shapely legs, crossed at the ankles.

She was sleek and smooth and strong as only a woman could be.

As he walked, she turned her head, keeping him in sight. “Do you have a condom?”

“A boxful.” He was hard again, and he knew he wouldn’t be able to play as much or as minutely as he wanted. He needed her a second time, maybe even a third, before they could rest. But he wouldn’t forget himself, not this time. Not ever again. “You don’t have to worry about it.”

He sat beside her on the bed, trailed a hand down her graceful back.

She purred, and said, “Wasn’t all your fault. I know better.” Without his direction, she turned to her side, propped her head up on a fist. “Odds are it’ll be okay.”

Would a baby be so horrible?

That thought stunned him, scared him a little, and made him feel desperate. Because no, for him, it wouldn’t be terrible at all. Just the opposite.

Coming down over her, Dash took her to her back and covered her mouth with his. A baby.

He nudged her lips open and licked his tongue inside, going deeper and deeper. He didn’t want to analyze his own reaction too much because it made no sense. He still didn’t know how Margo felt about him, if she cared even half as much as he did.

Which would be tough, given he loved her more than life.

Cupping her face, he kissed her until he stole her breath while settling his body over hers, one knee between her legs, opening her.

She kissed him back, just as wild.

She lifted her belly up against him and he realized he was, in fact, on dangerous territory.

Time to get it together.

He raised up, not far, but enough to separate their mouths. “Does your arm pain you?”

“No.” She tried to take his mouth again.

Staying out of reach, he caught her wrists and, watching her closely for any signs of discomfort, pressed her hands to the mattress. “Okay?”

She adjusted, moving her left arm to a more comfortable angle. “What are you going to do?”

“Kiss you all over until you come.”

She drew in a shuddering breath. “My arm is fine.”

“Margo.” He opened his mouth on her throat. “I don’t want to hurt you.”

“Then hurry it up.” Squirming under him, she breathed, “And please don’t tease too much. Honest to God, Dash, today, right now, I just need you.”

He searched her face, knew she meant it, and pressed the gentlest of kisses to her mouth. “All right.” And with that, he left a damp trail of soft biting kisses down her neck to her br**sts, where he sucked softly—then not so softly—on each nipple. He didn’t touch her between her legs, wanting the anticipation to build.

Leaving her ni**les wet and tight, he moved down more, licking over her ribs until she twisted away, then over her flat belly and her cute navel, down to her hip bones. “Ticklish?”

“On fire.”

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