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Darkyn's Mate

Page 65

She heard what was behind his message, the cunning edge Darkyn didn't try to hide behind pretty words like Wynn did. No, she didn't trust the Dark One, but she doubted he'd cover up what he was.

"I miss my friend Wynn," she admitted softly. "I trusted you with everything I had."

"See where that got you," he teased.

"Well, what if our roles were reversed?" she started with thoughtfulness. "What if I could help you meet your deadline? Would you trust me?"

"I imagine if you had that ability, Darkyn would've discovered it."

"What if he didn't?" she asked. "What if the silly, innocent, clueless little girl you spent years lying to actually had something that you need to leave here?"

"What are you saying?" Wynn faced her, alerted by the note in her voice. His sharp gaze took her in.

"Just that," she said with a shrug. "What if there was something I could do to help you?"

"The Deidre I know wouldn't put politics over helping someone in need, like Selyn," he replied.

"True," she agreed. "Though I could always wait until tomorrow, after Darkyn deals with you."

"You're not vindictive. I know how good you are. You'll forgive Past-Death for hurting you. You've probably already forgiven me. You'll be the one person in the universe who finds an ounce of good in that creature, Darkyn."

His words struck home. They always did. Only now, she understood he was manipulating her. Darkyn's shared sense warned her. She heard it in Wynn's, saw it in the ruthless gleam in his eyes. The knowledge made her want to scream, knowing she'd spent years blindly letting him talk to her like this and encourage her with pretty words, while he ensured the tumor in her head killed her.

This was the kind of man whose depravity Darkyn preyed on.

"I have forgiven you," she said. "Not because you deserve it, but because I understand you had a weakness that consumed you."

"Darkyn's bond has given you insight."

"Either that or being screwed over by everyone you trust," she replied. "It doesn't matter. I have forgiven you, Wynn. I am sorry you did what you did. I'm even sorrier to know that it didn't change you." Her throat tightened at the words. "You're right. I'm not vindictive. I don't want to see you hurt here or killed."

He appeared wary for the first time since she'd known him.

"I have a solution that might work. It's not guaranteed, but it's a shot," she said.

"Why should I trust this?"

"Because if it fails, it costs you nothing. We both walk away, and it never happened."

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