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Dantalion of the Goetia: The Summoning

Page 64

The breath of life was slipping silently from our grasp, our hopes resting with the angels.

A quite calm over heaven and earth searched the hearts of the mortal dominion. Seven mortal sins claimed the fall of both angels and men, and only the righteous held the power to open the seven seals, marked with the seven spirits of God.

The angels of the third heaven grouped in choirs, illuminating the Courtyard for all to see… bringers of light to shield us from the dark.

Gabriel, Dantalion's loyal brother, guarded over the first seal, contained within it a thunderous spirit upon a white horse, prepared to conquer the hearts of men.

Michael guarded over the second seal, the spirit of which rode upon a red horse of war, preparing men of the earth to kill with sword.

Raphael watched over the third seal, that which would deny abundance to men of the earth.

Uriel guarded the fourth seal, the spirit of which rode upon the pale horse, and called himself 'death'.

Raguel, archangel who watched over all angels, guarded the fifth seal of the blood of the martyrs of the earth.

Zerachiel held power over the sixth seal, from the stars of the heavens to the winds of the earth, to protect the earth from cosmic dismay.

Remaiel, the archangel who must lead all souls to Judgment by mercy of God, guarded the seventh seal controlling sounds of the seven trumpets of the earth, each of which would trigger catastrophic events on the earth.

"Then I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, now salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of His Christ have come, for the accuser of our brethren, who accused them before our God day and night, has been cast down," The Holy Bible, The Book of Revelation Ch. 12, Verse 10

Michael recanted aloud.

Gabriel and the others, caretakers of God, stood proudly beside one another.

"All the powers of the seals will be guarded for all eternity, to come only upon the end of days…. The Summoning, when men will be deceived, begging for mercy but will face eternal purgatory, those who have renounced their faith, never to be marked condemned by Samael, the Angel of Death," Gabriel preached.

"Two ages have passed for those demons of the Goetia who have found redemption, by the grace of God. He will not be as merciful unto the Four Kings of Hell, they, who forever forfeit their chances at salvation. Salvation belongs to those of faith," Camael, Chief Angel of Powers reminded his brother angels.

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