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Dangerous Days

Page 157

He went back to her rooms with her, and she made him tea, while he

built the fire in the open fireplace and nursed it tenderly to a healthy

strength. Overnursed it, she insisted. They were rather gay, indeed,

and the danger-point passed by safely. There was so much to discuss,

she pretended. The President's unfortunate phrase of "peace without

victory"; the deportation of the Belgians, the recent leak in Washington

to certain stock-brokers, and more and more imminent, the possibility of

a state of war being recognized by the government.

"If it comes," she said, gayly, "I shall go, of course. I shall go to

France and sing them into battle. My shorthand looks like a music score,

as it is. What will you do?"

"I can't let you outshine me," he said. "And I don't want to think of

your going over there without me. My dear! My dear!"

She ignored that, and gave him his tea, gravely.

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