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Dangerous Boys

Page 44

I hoped using his formal name would remind him he was my teacher, but instead, Ashton just laughed. ‘I’ve told you, we’re out of the classroom. You can cut that student-teacher bullshit now.’ He dangled the phone in front of me, then pulled it away again when I reached.

I swallowed back my fear, giving a weak laugh. ‘Come on, that’s not fair. Give it back.’

Ashton tilted his head, his eyes travelling over me. His gaze lingered on my body, hungry in a way that made my blood chill in my veins.

‘Make me.’

I swallowed back a surge of fear. ‘Fine,’ I said firmly. ‘I’ll use your line.’

I walked over to the phone, mounted on the wall by the kitchen, and lifted the handset. My heart was racing, counting through all the stupid risks I’d taken. I was in his house, away from anything, with no way of leaving on my own.

Nobody knew I was there.

‘Aww, don’t be like that. I was just playing around.’ Ashton sighed. He tossed the phone back at me, and I scrambled to catch it, feeling a shock of relief. I was overreacting, he was playing around, that was all.

‘You know, I’m just going to wait outside.’ I clutched my phone to my chest. Ashton was standing in front of the door, but there was no other way out. I took a hesitant few steps towards him.

He didn’t move. ‘What’s wrong?’ he asked. ‘I’m not that terrible a host, am I?’

I tried to fake another smile. ‘No, no,’ I stuttered, taking another step. ‘I just want some privacy to call, that’s all.’

Ashton looked at me, his eyes narrowing behind his spectacles. ‘You could always take it in the bedroom,’ he suggested. ‘It’s just through there.’

I froze. ‘No. Thanks.’

I wanted to run. To bolt past him and disappear out into the night. But I had to force myself to stay calm. There was still the hope that this was all a misunderstanding, that he was being inappropriate, sure, but not anything worse. We were balanced on a razor’s edge here, and I could only pray that if I smiled and played nice I would be fine.

I took another step, and then another. As I reached the door, Ashton finally stood aside.

I exhaled in a shaking breath of relief. ‘Thanks for the ride, this far.’ I made my voice bright and cheery as I turned to say goodbye. ‘I really appreciate it.’

I didn’t have time to react before his hands were on my waist and his lips came down hard on mine.

I panicked, shoving with both hands at his chest and trying to turn my head away, but he pushed me back against the door, his tongue plunging in my mouth, his hand groping at my ass.

I struggled, my protests muffled under his kiss. His body was crushing me, too heavy to move, and I reached desperately, shoving at his chest, his shoulders, anything to push him back. Finally, he came up for air. ‘Hold still,’ Ashton breathed, stroking my cheek. ‘It’s OK, just relax.’

‘No!’ I cried, struggling. Fear was thick around me. ‘Let me go!’

‘Come on, you don’t have to play the good girl with me.’ Ashton groped at my chest, his breath catching in his throat. ‘I know you want this. You’ve been panting after me since the start of school.’

He dipped his head to kiss at my neck. Bile rose in my throat.

‘No!’ I tried pushing him away again, but I was trapped against the door. I had no room to move, no room to breathe.

Desperate, I turned my head, reaching, stretching to bite down hard on his ear.

‘Fuck!’ Ashton lurched back, clutching the side of his head, He brought his hand away. Blood. He stared at me in shock. ‘What the f**k did you do that for?’

‘I told you, no!’ I scrabbled at the lock, but it was a chain fastening, and I couldn’t get it right. ‘I don’t want this, I never did!’

‘So it was all a game to you, leading me on?’ His jaw clenched, eyes flashing dark with anger. ‘You’re a f**king tease.’

He moved towards me again.

‘Don’t touch me!’ The chain was still caught. I couldn’t get out. My heart raced, blood pounding in my ears as I stared at him. ‘I’m warning you . . . ’

‘What?’ Ashton gave me a cruel grin. ‘If I were you, I’d be a little nicer. I still determine your grade, remember?’

‘I don’t care if I fail.’ I glared at him.

Ashton made a tutting sound. ‘I can call any college you apply to and tell them what a disappointment you are.’

I froze. ‘You wouldn’t,’ I whispered.

‘I will.’ Ashton’s expression was harsh. ‘I’ll tell them all about how you disrupted class, and cheated on your tests, and didn’t show your teacher the proper respect. ‘Unless . . . you make it up to me. Show me your respect,’ he breathed.

He stroked my cheek again and this time I couldn’t flinch away. I felt sick, but I couldn’t move. He had the power, he had the rest of my f**king life in his hands.

I stood there, motionless, hating myself as his finger trailed lower, lower, to the neckline of my shirt and under the edge.

‘Good girl.’ Ashton smiled in victory. His hand closed around my breast, squeezing.

I shuddered, but I didn’t move.

His hand slid lower, to the waistband of my jeans. ‘You don’t have to be scared,’ he murmured, leaning closer. ‘You’ll like it, I promise.’

His lips came down on my neck again, kissing hard as he fumbled with his zipper.

This was how it went, I thought numbly. A busted engine; a car ride; his girlfriend out of town. Another choice that wasn’t mine. Because what I wanted never mattered, not any more. Fury rose up inside me, breaking through the fear.

No way. No f**king way.

I reached out blindly grasping on the hall table for something, anything I could use. My hand closed around a smooth, round shape; a handle. It was a travel Thermos, something for his morning coffee. I had a brief flash of his girlfriend filling it for him today, sending him off with a wave and a goodbye kiss.

And here he was, raping me anyway.

I swung it with everything I had, slamming the metal against the back of his head. Ashton let out a pained grunt, his body sagging against mine. I shoved him back, swinging the flask again. It slammed against his forehead this time and he fell backwards to the floor.

He rolled, groaning, struggling to his hands and knees.

‘Bitch,’ he cursed, gasping. ‘What the f**k . . . ?’

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