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They had a very enjoyable dinner, talking about the impending wedding that was coming up in a very short time, and by the tone of the voices around the table, the three of them seemed to be getting very excited by the prospects of it.

Mom, "if you don't mind we'll take off a little early and swing by Cams, I'd like to fill him in on what has happened," "I don't mind at all, you kids run along, I know Julie has a few things to discuss with our bride here, and maybe a few things with you," and she chuckled over that comment.

They arrived at Cameron and Julie's house, and of course the house was in the usual state of controlled havoc, with the boys running in and out, and the toddler, trying to stay on her wobbly legs while the big dog constantly bumps into her, of course as soon as she spotted her uncle Starke, she toddled to him as fast as she could and he scooped her up in a big bear hug, and received his sloppy wet kisses from her, as he inhaled her sweet baby scent deeply into his lungs, Candee could read his face and knew he was thinking he couldn't wait till they had one of their own just like her. They spent a few pleasant hours with their closest friends, and then it was time to leave, it was still early evening, so they decided to swing by Candee's apartment, pick up a few more of her things, and then drive up to the B & B, and check in on Gerta, Starke liked to do that from time to time, she had become, much like a grandma to him over the years as she was older than his mother and she became very dear to him.

Gerta was very interested in what had happened on his property, she had many deer living on and around her property, and she didn't want these hoodlums anywhere near her place, her guest took strolls in the woods or road on the horse trails, she didn't want them to be in any danger, Starke patted her hand and reassured her he would do everything in his power to get these guys A.S.A.P. Dear Gerta seemed somewhat relieved by the time they left the Inn, he made a mental note to call her as soon as they had these men in custody, and he knew her well enough to know she'd worry until that day came.

They drove back to the cabin, carried the boxes in that they had loaded in the car, and Starke said, "if it's alright with you, I'd like to surf the web for awhile, before we go to bed' Candee replied," that would be great, and I'll unpack these boxes, and put things away" so each set about to their own chores.

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