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It was now Thursday and Gloria was looking forward to her first dance lesson with Chad, as she was picking out what she would wear that evening, she decided on a flirty below the knee skirt and a soft knitted top, she left her hair down in a natural relaxed style, and picked shoes with just a medium heel.

They had decided that they would meet there, because it was a week night and each would go home right after the lesson, each taking their own shortcut to home. Gloria headed out around six thirty because she had only a short drive, and she saw he was there when she arrived and had a seat for each of them," hi" she said, as she took the seat beside him, are we ready for this.? Oh sure I think we can handle it, and they did as the lessons began they had fun and picked up the steps easily.

When the class took a break, and they helped themselves to a cup of coffee, they had their first chance to sit and talk, Chad told her about the invitation he would be receiving to the wedding of the couple from the Internet, Dee Dee and Mt. Man, she's the lady I talk to in the mornings at one of my newss tands, sounds like fun, I love weddings, I wonder what kind of music they will have or if there will be dancing.? He said, what's a wedding reception witho ut dancing?"

Gloria then told him about the phone call she had gotten from the police, and that they arrested the guy from the Internet, and that he was the one that got into her house and stole her credit card, "no kidding," Chad said, "I wonder what else this guys been up to? You’ve got to be real careful when you're on line these days, so many con artists out there." Candee the lady getting married is marrying a cop and they met on the Internet, I wonder if he is a cyber cop?

Friday evening Candee met Starke at Julie's house, Anne was there also and they carefully went over the guest list, Candee invited a few co-workers from the paper and of course her one friend Rosie, she also put Chad Benton's name on her list, but her list was very short indeed, they all noticed but said nothing to hurt her feelings. Starke's list was quite bit longer with co-workers from the force and friends from around town, Anne of course added her garden club friends and husbands, till all was totaled, it turned out to be around one hundred people, including children of various ages, which was just about perfect for a garden wedding, and of course Anne's yard and garden was large enough to accommodate a group of this size, the wedding itself would be in the garden area, the bride and groom would take their vows in the gazebo, and the large side yard would be perfect for the large canopy style tents over the dining tables, the bar would be set up on the porch at the rear of the house.

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