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Diamond, I decided and ordinary clear diamond would not do for you, so I hoped you would like this one," she said, "I like it very much, it is so big though, and it must have cost a fortune?" He said, "about that.. ... "

Starke took her hand, glanced at his ring on her finger, then at her and as he was about to speak, she leaned in and kissed him, and she asked, "earlier on the porch, when you asked me how I felt about wealthy people, you, were talking about yourself, weren't you?" his eyes got bigger at that question, and he said, "you knew?" She said, '"'"yes, that's what I thought," but my answer would have been the same regardless.

Starke said, "a couple months before Marie died, my grandpa died," my mother's dad, and I being his only grandchild inherited his fortune from the mines, all the money is now in different investments, and I can draw from it anytime I choose, it is such a vast amount and because it is growing all the time, I could never spend it all even if I wanted too, and yes, "I do kind and generous things," as you put it, where ever and whene ver I can to help others. But make no mistake Candee we will have a comfortable life and never ever want for anything, the degree of our luxuries will be determined by you and I will that be okay with you?

Oh yes, that will be very okay with me, I've never had anyone in my life that I've felt so safe with or trusted more than I do with you, I felt that heart to heart connection the night we met for coffee, and I believed that you did also, is that right? He said, sweetheart, you couldn't be more right.

They kissed, and then arms around each other headed to the bedroom area of the suite, he said, "you know my mom is going to want to plan our wedding don't you?" in fact I wouldn't be surprised if she has had some idea's already going through her head. Candee laughed and said, "But what are moms’ for if not that?" "I'm so happy to be getting a real mother at long last, and a family that will be mine to keep."

That night was a night filled with passion beyond anything either one of them could imagine, it was perfect and they wanted it to never end, but exhaustion over took them and they finally slept, to awake to sunshine streaming in to the room, Candee woke first and she laid there looking at this magnificent man beside her that was all hers to enjoy and love, she looked next at the exquisite diamond on her finger, and as the light caught it just right it made her squint from it's brilliance, she heard him then, as he said, "do you like it?'' She turned into his arms and said, "no, and felt him tense .. .l love it!" he said, "I don't know which is brighter the gold in your hair or the gold in the ring, that's why I chose it, you know? Because of the golden highlights in your beautiful shining brown hair. And the gold flecks in your honey brown eyes.

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