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Page 54

And before they knew it, Nancy returned with their huge salads, all Candee could say as she set it in front of her was oh, my! They enjoyed their salads, making small talk between bites and glancing outside to see how the game of croquet was progressing, she ask him then, "what other activities do they have here for people to enjoy?' he said, "well, I believe I mentioned the pool," she said, "yes" he said they have tennis courts, and they have a riding stable, and nice trails through the mountain side. He said, "Do you like riding horses, Candee?" she I was on a pony once as a child but that is all, all he said was “oh, I see“. Are you afraid of them, then? She said, ''I don't think so? He looked at her and saw a puzzled look on her face, it was so cute, he smiled, she then said, I've never been close enough to one to know, ah, he said, I understand now.

Nancy came by their table just then, and asked if they'd like dessert? They both said in unison, no thank you, neither one could eat their entire salad. Nancy left them then, and Starke left a generous tip for her, and he said, "let's go see our suite now, and maybe hang up some of our clothes, then we'll go exploring the grounds," what do you say, Candee? "Sounds good," she said.

They got to their suite which was on the first floor, down a wide hall, off of the rear comer of the mansion, as Starke slipped the key card in the slot the door opened and they saw that it was absolutely gorgeous, elegant in it's decor and very roomy indeed, it was in soft tones of peach and green, and had a sitting area, with a fireplace, a bedroom area with a queen size canopy bed, so high it had a step along side of it for her to use, he was tall and would not need it. It was done so beautifully with many pillows and it looked very inviting. They saw a set of French doors to the rear and a set out to the side, Starke opened a closed door to find a closet, and then he found the one to the bathroom, "Candee come see this," he said, she walked over and looked in to find the most beautiful marble bathroom she had ever seen, they each had a vanity and sink, they saw a glass enclosed shower in one comer and a huge marble tub for two, in another comer, Wow! They both exclaimed. They each picked up their suitcase, and chose a few things to hang in the closet, then he said are you ready to go for a walk and she said, "yes, I'm still so full, I need the exercise" he took her hand and said we're off then.

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