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Cameron placed a call to Starke but his line was busy, he must be talking to Candee, thought Cameron, well guess I'll have to try later, he was able to reach him at ten o'clock.

Starke answered then said, "Hey, buddy what's shaking?" Cam said, plenty bro, when the hell are you getting back to some real work? Soon in about another week. Cam then said, "I think I'm closing in on this guy that hassled Candee, it will be a local bust, and you want to be there when we take him down? No, just keep me informed, 1 think you can handle it, right? "Right said Cam. Then Starke told him briefly about his plans for the weekend with Candee at the B&B, which Cam knew all about because he and Julie spent their wedding night there. When Starke told him he said, way to go bro, hope you have some good news when you get back, give us a call, Starke said, "I'll do that" and then they said, "goodnight"

Starke saw that it was only ten twenty so he called his mom she answered and said, "hi son. Everything okay? He said, "Sure mom how about with you," she said, "I'm fine" now what's on your mind? He said, "you know me so well mom" well, I wanted to tell you I've made plans for the weekend with Candee, I'm taking her to the B&B and I doubt, I'll make Sunday dinner.

His mom said, "that sounds wonderful, son, you grew into a romantic at heart, and I'm very proud of you" call me later on Sunday when you are home, okay? He said, "okay mom take care of yourself:'' "you too son, goodnight now," "goodnight mom!'he hung up and smiled, then he went to bed.

It was Thursday evening and Starke, dialed Candee as usual about seven pm, and she said, "is it finally Thursday, gee I never thought we'd get past Wednesday," he laughed and said, "yes and tomorrow is Friday, and then the next day we'll be on our way, it sounds like you are

Looking forward to this, she said, "oh, I am I've never been to a place like this."

Whatwill I need to take? He said, "not much they have everything, but in clothing, I'm taking nice casual clothes, but a dinner jacket and tie for dinner, they do like to dress for dinner up there, the dining room is very nice and the Chef superb, they have a pool and we'll have a private hot tub, so if you feel you need a swimsuit by all means bring one then, but you don't need one for me,'' and he chuckled.” very funny' Candee said.

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