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Page 37

Starke and Candee left the cookout and headed back to her apartment, where she simply darted in and threw a few things in a large tote bag, locked up and headed back to the car, and then they were on their way, it was a pleasant ride, spotting a few deer along the way, as they got out of the city limits, and they talked about the fun they had, had at the cookout, she said the Baylor's are a wonderful family aren't they? He said," Yes, they are, 1 didn't remember if I told you their last name," she said, "I don't remember if you had mentioned it but I spotted it on their mailbox." I noticed you spent some time with each and every one of them, especially the K's, you Jove children don't you. You relate so well to them, she said, "yes, 1 do but then I’ve had years of practice." Do you want a family Candee? She said, more that you could ever imagine a family that is truly a11 mine for the keeping, he reached over and took her hand then, and gave it a gentle squeeze, as his heart reached out to her once again.

He turned off then at a dirt road, and drove back through the woods, and as a clearing came into view, she could still make out the cabin despite the setting sun, it was a rustic looking log cabin, but had a certain charm about it she noticed and a nice wide front porch, she noticed a swing there and a couple of rocking chairs, a small round table, no doubt to hold Starke's cup of coffee.

He parked to the side of the porch, and they both got out, he unlocked the door, flipped on a light inside the door, and she said," this looks very cozy" he said, "well, I'll add warm to that statement in a minute as soon as I get a fire going in that old stone fireplace, it still gets cool here in the woods at night".

He did just that, as she looked around, she saw that the cabin had two bedrooms one nice and big, the master bed room ,as she peeked in she saw that it was a masculine room and had a private bath. Then there was a smaller guest room, with a bathroom in the hall area, the living room, kitchen dining area was all one big great room with a high beamed ceiling but she did notice a loft area at the one end of this large space with a railing across the front of it, a staircase ran up the one wall to the loft .From what she could see of it, he did not use this space for anything other than storage as she could see boxes up there. On the far wall underneath the loft was a nice seating area around the huge stone fireplace, there Starke was getting ready to light the tire he had so carefully prepared. She also noticed on the other wall, by a window was a big antique desk with his computer sitting on it.

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