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Julie said yes, they would have put my kitchen sink in it, if I wouldn't have been keeping a close eye on things, and they all laughed. Cam said how about a beer bro? Starke said sure I'll force one, he ask Candee and she said she'd wait till later for a beer, then Julie ask how about some ice tea for us? Candee said that sounds wonderful, then they went to sit down and get better acquainted.

Julie said, "So you two met on the Internet?'' Candee said, "in a way I guess you could say that," and she preceded to tell her most of the story of their meeting, and what has transpired since, Julie said, "well, I'm glad that things have calmed down, and you have not had any more scares" .I use our computer, but I do not get into chat rooms, I leave that up to those two, as she pointed to the men, Candee said, "I've stopped that myself, the only good that's ever come from it is meeting Starke."

Julie replied, "and a very good person you have found, they don't come any better unless of course we're talking about Cameron," then she said, "let me run in and get the guys another beer and an ice tea for us, I'll be right back".

When Julie returned she noticed that Candee was over on the one side of the yard sitting in the sandbox with Katie, both appeared to be having a great time, Katie was giggling her little head off, so she walked over to where the two men had their heads together, no doubt talking shop, but they got quiet as they saw her approach.

Then they all turned to watch the two in the sandbox for a moment, then Julie said, "you know there's something in her eyes, something in her aura or presence, I can't put my finger on it," but I'm telling you Starke "she's perfect for you," and "I hope you don't drag your feet and let her get away." Starke said, "I know what you're saying Julie, I felt it the first second I looked into her eyes, and the feelings get stronger every time we are together, Cam chimed in then, and said, "yeah, and life is short you know that better than anyone, so make the most of each day," Julie and Starke looked at him and said Wow!, where did all that come from? And they all had a good laugh!

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