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Starke said mom, I'd like you to meet Candee, Candee this is my mom, known to her friends as Anne, with that his mom took Candee's both hands and said Anne with an e, then she said welcome Candee and pulled her close for a hug, Candee thought she smells wonderful just the way I'd ever imagined a mom would smell, clean, clean laundry, and ivory soap, yet warm and a little spicy from cooking no doubt, and that wonderful feeling of mothers love, emanating from every pore.

She said, "Would you like to come out to the kitchen with me?'' Son go find something on TV, we'll call you when dinner is ready, Starke said "ok mom," his mom then put her arm around Candee's waist and ushered her towards the kitchen, and he smiled, I knew it he thought, she sees exactly what I see in those honey brown eyes. Anne said, "So tell me Candee do you like to cook?" Candee said "yes actually I do," although I'm self taught;, and would bet that I could learn much from you, it smells wonderful in here, and what a pretty kitchen, she noticed homey but with all the latest equipment for some real gourmet cooking, she took a seat at the island across from a stove top, and her side had a tiny sink, Anne handed her a head of lettuce and said here wash, and she laughed, as did Candee and she said, "sure thing".

Anne's meal was wonderful, baked ham, candied yams and so much more, Candee had to comment, she said if this is just Sunday dinner, I can't imagine what a holiday is like here? Starke said, well now you have that to look forward to. Anne started to carry dishes back out to the kitchen, because Sunday dinner was always in the dining room, and Candee and Starke pitched in, but then Anne said, "son take Candee out back to see our gardens, while I load the dishwasher," and he took her hand, come on you've got to see this.

As he opened the back door and she walked through she gasp, oh my god this is incredible, there was a rear porch, with white wicker furniture on it, then a few steps, and she walked under an arched white trellis, that had climbing roses up each side and over the top, beyond that she saw lush lawn, and small English type garden beds all around filled with exquisite flowers, a stone path meandering among them, some tall trees for shade where needed. And a manicured hedge all around, this is breathtaking Candee said to him, "did your mother do all this herself?" No actually it's a joint venture she plans it, she points and I dig, plant, and prune. "It is truly lovely" she said, as they walked on, at the rear was a gorgeous large white, gazebo, and in one flowerbed , she noticed a three tiered fountain with a darling cherub pouring water down through the petals, there was so much to take in she was speech less.

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