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Page 158

Meanwhile in the next town on the outskirts, at a very busy veterinarian clinic Ed and Sally were seeing animal patients of all kinds, and passing each other in the hallways of the clinic. On one pass she ask if they'd be closing for lunch, "yes, I'm hoping to if it slows down, around here", on another pass he said, "maybe we can drive into town for lunch, drop off the rolls of film we took at the party," "good idea" she said, as she passed him, carrying a grumbling fat kitty., who was on his way to the scale.

They finally managed to get away for some lunch at one o'clock, at a cafe in town, but not before dropping rolls of film at the drugstore. While they were waiting for lunch to arrive, Sally made a quick call on her cell phone to Gloria to see how the kittens were doing, and if the girls were enjoying them, all Ed heard we uh huh, laugh, okay, giggle etc. etc. so when she had closed the phone she had much to report to him between bites of her sandwich. She also told him Gloria was downloading digital photo's all morning and would be e-mailing them to their home computer, she said, "we're on most of them with the girls, because we couldn't seem to let go of them all day, she laughed so I know she didn't mind at all," it freed her to take all these great pictures.

They enjoyed the rest of their lunch, and before long it was time to be getting back to the clinic, they tried to close up early on a Monday because Tuesday was the day for scheduled surgeries, and they needed to get a very early start.

The rest of the afternoon was as busy as the morning had been and it was five thirty before they could lock up and go to the house for some dinner and an early bed, but then this was the life they both so loved and found so rewarding. They agreed they wouldn't trade what they do for anything in the world.

Friday came and Candee and Julie left Linda in charge of the shop and the children, to go to the site of the big wedding that weekend, to make certain their crew was busy taking care of final preparations, and everything was being done as they had ordered, and of course there were always some details that were left up to them, in almost every case. But then that was something they enjoyed like putting their final personal stamp on the entire production, which is how they viewed what they did as a production from start to the grand finale.

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